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Hi, Cecil. Thank you for your answer. I believe, though, that the way I
Copyright 1996-onwards Geomancy.Net, Cecil & Robert Lee. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights Notice Please kindly contact us at if you should encounter any breach of Copyright and Intellectual Property rights. Thank you in advance!
described the screen was ambiguous. I meant hat the vertices of the panels
of the screen were pointing at the dingin table where we sit. Do you see
what I mean?
I also wanted to ask you: sometimes, blue is said to be wood and sometimes,
water. Sometimes,brown is said to be wood and toerhs earth. Which is it?
I read that water fourntians in the center of a home can be harmful becasue
it drains away qi. SI this true?
My final question: There's a building in Hong kong that sits on a hill and
has a big square hole through the center of it. It looks like this from the
front ________
| _ |
| |_| |
| hole|
they said it was for qi to pass through it better. is this right?
Sorry for being so curious.
-----Original Message-----
From: free-advice Listmanager []
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 11:41 PM
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed
Subject: roof and other questions
From: "Cecil Lee"
Dear Analia,
Please see below:-
On 8/1/2002 12:30:00 AM, Analia Blanco wrote:
>Hi. I was wondering if there's
>a style of roof that is most
>suitable from the Feng Shui
>perspective-- straight flat
>top, chalet , tile,
>triangleetc.-- and whether the
>pagoda architecture with its
>many spikes is a sha roof.
Most importantly, roofs should be symmetrical. Or both `left and right'
sides should be balanced.
Equally important is the shape. The best shape is still `an Up' outline
/ \
/ \
| |
If the front of the house looks like the above with pointed arrow facing
other houses, much the better to this occupant.
Many people are more concern with their homes than others. And, although it
may not be favourable to the neighour (if their main door happends to be
directly facing this `arrow' sha qi.
Flat roofs are usually not preferred for homes especially in the equator. As
hot air cannot rise up adequately. And if there is no insulation, direct
sunlight can heat up the roof.
Many of the homes built in the Far East, has a Ba Gua shaped balcony or
family room area especially at the South (fire sector). And some of these
have their toilets at the North (water) position. An example is `The Meyer
Place' condo. Do a search in the forum for more details of this development.
>speaking of sha, I have a
>large screen against the wall
>that has the leaf edges
>pointing directly to the
>dining table. is this a
>poison arrow?
Usually, leaf edges are not a real threat. The real threat is usually thru
the tree trunk (not covered with leaves). Have to really see it before, I
can fully comment on it. But in doubt, no harm to screen it out.
>Also, i am curious to know if
>one should consider
>ation in that order when
>classifying a room or thing.
>And if it's a person one is
>considering, should one base
>an analysis on their birthday
>element or their year element,
>since these may be destructive
>between them. ie. the birth
>element is yang fire but the
>year is metal.
It is best to use Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) in such a situation. Especially
if there are two or more persons e.g. a couple sleeping in the bedroom.
Professional level Pillars of Destiny does not only take into consideration
the Year of birth but much more than that to determine your actual element
and strength. Only after finding it out and looking at the `binding' element
of both e.g. husband and wife can then proper elements e.g. colour scheme be
taken into consideration.
>I was trying to find the
>center of the apartment I live
>in, but it's very irregular
>and disjointed. What do i do?
>can i draw a large rectangle
>over the entire plan and do
>the diagonals that way?
We offer free service on this. And if you have a layout plan, can either,
fax to us, e-mail us a scanned image. Or simply attach a scanned image to
this forum (message).
And I can help to determine the centrepoint for you.
>Lastly, i want to lose weight.
>is there a fix for that?
Frankly, proper and sensible food intake. And most important - will power
and determination -> to gradually loose weight over a period.
Many times, most of us, try to do it at `one go' and later put on more
weight instead. Many quick `fix' programmes may not be appropriate as some
let you lose `water content' rather than sensible weight. Sometimes, too
drastic a program may lead to health problems or lack of minerals/vitamins.
Warmest Regards,
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