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Topic: Re: Different owners, same numbers (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 1260
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 6/28/1999 12:49 PM

Dear Glyn,

Please read below:-

-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 6:57 AM
Subject: Different owners, same numbers

>From: "Glyn Foster"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
>Cecil and Robert
>A case study for you to comment on please.
>A Flying Star Chart was done on a business premises. Owner(Mr A) had very
good business acumen.Worked very hard and smart.Main door in one of his
auspicious directions. His personal chart did not suggest anything
untoward.A year ago went into Voluntary Liquidation. Administrator sought
tenders for business.
>New owner (Mr B) in same premises in same industry, with same Flying
Stars.Main door in his disaster sector.Like Mr A, very good business acumen
and hard working. Am not privy to his personal chart. Business is booming.

Yes, this is an interesting scenario. Thank you for bring it up. It would
look from a first glance that Mr B would face problems while Mr A should be
ok right?

However, you are missing a very important information here. The Pillars of
the two person. Have you considered the elements of the person, and the year
of influence of the person?

Remember that I had often stressed to you, that you must personalised a
person into his environment?

There are several other analysis to look at for simplicity let me take an
example of a suitability of an office element to a Pillars.

For example, if this person is a strong wood, and his main door happens to
represents that the office is a wood element. Do you think that this would
be good for a strong wood? I think it would mean more competition for him,
thus not good for a person with strong wood.

Similarly, if this person is a weak Fire, and this main door happens to
represent that the office is a wood element. Do you think that this is good
for a weak Fire? Yes, I would think so and in fact it would give the owner a
great boost!

This means that even if a house is good, but this house have several
elements which does not suit his birth element, do you think it would work?
For business, the priority is that Flying Star and Pillars must suit that
person. Then followed by the directions which he should face (for the room
which he is going to occupy) and NOT the main door of the office being his
disaster or good points.

Remember that Eight House is a very limited tool, it is able to provide a
good facing direction but does not necessary mean that it can properly
determined an influence of the house. For Office, the Eight House cannot be
used in any otherway except for a determining the best direction for the
facing of his desk in his office room.

When doing any analysis, you should be aware of what tools and what things
to look for when analysing a situation. That is why Feng Shui is so
complicated and only through experience can you understand and see the
inter-relation of the various tools. A different analysis has to be taken
into consideration for different type of situation.

That is why there is such tools as Pillars of Destiny, Flying Star, Eight
House and more. The usage of these tools into Feng Shui for Home, Feng Shui
for Business and Feng Shui for individual are different in several ways
although they are using the same principles.

>NOTHING has been moved in the set up of the office.
>Can you shed any light on this for me. Why did one fail and one so far
succeed under the same set of Flying Stars.

The summary of the reason is Flying Star although powerful has not been
personalised to the individual. And the use of the Eight House as a
personalisation tool is not sufficient. It has to personalise to a person's
birth chart.

>Mr A has now opened an Art Gallery and doing very well indeed. FS chart
here nothing special or startling.

If you do a check on the Pillars, you should find either two possible areas
which could link to his success. Of course there are others which I have not
mentioned, but mostly has to do with this two.

1. The element of his job (Art) should be his favourable element or his
wealth element.
2. The office of his Art Gallery should also be matching his personal

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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User's Comments
.. new revised 4P .. extraordinarily excellent .. Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net " I have been going thru my chart in your new revised 4 Pillars section which I must
say is extraordinarily excellent. " - Glyn Hezakiah

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