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Dear Anon,
1. `sum of ten', double 7 and double 8 are strictly based on Xuan Kong or Flying Star Feng Shui.
2. `Sum of Ten'
For example, if the #numbers add up to 10; then this is considered as an auspicious number. Often, this is factored into under the Eight-One combination where the 9 by 9 luo shu grid when ( times ) X together i.e. 9 x 9 = 81 combinations.
Here, for example, a Flying star numerology of #2 combined with #8 which when added equals sum #10. This is considered an auspicious number (interpretation).
3. Double 7's and Double 8's
This is the most popular concept. Where for example since we are now under Period 7; if the main entrance or door has double 7's e.g. #7 mountain with #7 water, this is considered a very auspicious combination.
3.1 For example: a House under N2 ( 0/360 degrees)
This house has a Flying Star combination of double 7's at the main door.
Although on it's own #7 are inauspicious but because we are currently under Period 7, based on the Flying Star numbers a double 7 i.e. #7 mountain with #7 water is considered an auspicious combination under Period 7.
3.2 If we proceed with a major renovation for a house under N2 ( 0/360 degrees) say after 2004, the Flying Star at the main entrance will be changed to a #7 mountain and #9 combination.
4. If a house was built or born under Period 8 e.g. a new home constructed now, but only ready say in Year 2006, will thus be considered as a Period 8 house.
4.1 Under this situation, homes with main entrance facing double 8's are considered very auspicious under Period 8.
5. But, most of the time, these can be considered as `wishful' thinking.
6. This is because, under every Period, only certain sectors ( compass directions ) have such a Luo Shu grid.
7. We can compare this as `nearly' missing a lottery. But the truth is that: " A miss is as good as a mile ". For many people, if the lottery number is say: " 1486 " even if we got 148 correct but the last digit wrong! we will still MISS! the prize.
8. These theories, therefore or often are therefore meant more for the practitioner. For example, during current Period 7, we have personally tried or had actually purchased for ourselves, homes that suit us and fortunately, these are double 7 homes.
The Pearl String Formation or simply " Pearl String "
9. "Pearly string" you mentioned again is only SPECIFIC to Flying Star Feng Shui.
In fact, the most correct direct interpretation of this is known as " The Pearl String Formation ". This information can easily be found in ancient Feng Shui books.
10. One can look at it as something like a `Reverse Osmosis'. Often we hear of the term "A rose amongst the thorn " but under this Pearl String Formation concept, it is a reverse of commonly thought out idea that we MUST have `clear space' at the frontage while there should be a mountain at the back.
10.2 In order to take advantage of this concept, a Flying Star chart MUST FLY or " FLOW " in SEQUENCE.
10.3 For example, (ROUGHLY) the specific Flying Star chart must have numbers that flow THREE-IN-A-ROW e.g.
1, 2, 3 or
2, 3, 4 or
3, 4, 5 or
4, 5, 6 or
5, 6, 7 or
6, 7, 8 or
7, 8, 9 or
8, 9, 1
For example if we look at a row of Luo Shu grid numbers of the same numbers e.g. base number or mountain number or water numbers they must flow in such a pattern.
UNDER SUCH A CHART, there are specific conditions:
11. Under "reverse osmosis" if a house has this chart PLUS there is a hill at it's frontage. The hill must be of a specific height e.g. as high as a one storey house;
12. In addition: there is water at it's back, this type of house can benefit by a " MOUNTAIN " at it's frontage and a " WATER " at its back.
14.1 If we can see the argument, this is not the conventional `thinking' that Water MUST be at the front while a Mountain MUST be at the back of a house.
14.2 Often, we practitioners will first, scan the environment and chart out the Flying Star numbers for this house. And, if the house has such a `formation' PLUS, the Flying Star has `running numbers' such as 3, 4, 5, then this will be favourable for such a house.
14.3 As mentioned earlier under Para 7, in every Flying Star periods, there are very few charts that meets such a condition.
15. In addition, another specific condition is that the house MUST have a rectangular or `earth shape' e.g. rectangular or square to achieve such a condition.
16. If all these conditions are MET, then it is said that it can override the common norm that `clear space' MUST be at the front while a `mountain' should exist at the back of the house.
17. Going forward, as mentioned, there must be such specific match in order for such a property to `turn the tide' from being an inauspicious house to a prosperous house.
18. Under Shapes and Forms, there are equally many examples that have a reverse osmosis `effect'. Where, often, the common idea is that a certain form MAY not be considered auspicious but, in fact, sometimes, it can be the other way.
19. For example, I had previously written a real life example on `The Sterling' condominum. Which has a triangle plot of land. On the surface, it may look or sound inauspicious, but, take a look at the analysis and one can understand why, the condominium was designed to `bring the dragon qi' from the mountain to `water'.
20. For more info, do a SEARCH for " THE STERLING " in this forum. Or go to the specific forum conference " Photo Tours of Interest (with pictures) to learn more.
Warmest Regards,
On 5/29/2003 6:17:17 AM, Anonymous wrote:
>Some feng shui masters or
>writers have mentioned that
>there are a number of
>auspicious special
>combinations such as "sum of
>ten", double 7 or double 8,
>parential string, pearly
>string, etc. Care to enlighten
>us on these? Any recommended
>readings or links we can refer
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