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Dear Sudha,
Thanks for taking the time to do a Eight House.
1. Based on your Eight House:
N = Longevity
NE = Disaster (Currently the door of the house)
E = Prosperity
SE = Health
S = Excellent
SW = Irritation
W = Spook
NW = Death
Since SE is the health line, is it possible for your head to face East (Prosperity), South (Excellent), North (Longevity) or SE (Health).
These are the sectors your head should face.
2. Another observation is that where possible it is best to sleep with the head rest against a wall rather than on an `island' on its own.
3. You should also watch out for `poision arrows' since there are three cupboards. Look out for the edge of these cupboards. If one or more is pointed towards your bed, this is sha qi. In such a `tight' room, if it is pointed at you, there is really not much you can do.
4. Where one can see the bedroom door and into the kitchen; would result in restless sleep. I am not sure how hot it is at your location. But if it is really `hot', you may not have a choice but to leave the door open. This is considered the `best' of the two alternatives.
5. If you are the breadwinner, in general, the house is considered one of the least suitable to you.
6. Frankly, traditional Feng Shui does not `talk much' about the placement of slippers. Usually, it can be left outside the house or kept neatly in a shoe rack. The shoe rack usually have ventillation holes.
In your case, if it is a common practise in your country to leave e.g. the slippers outside the house, it is still acceptable practice.
7. Currently, I am not sure about the effectivness of hanging a Ba Gua mirror; other than for the Chinese. Even many Western Practioners do not practise this especially for their clients in such countries.
Furthermore, you must be very careful not to display the Ba Gua mirror inside a home as under Chinese beliefs it will bring Sha Qi.
8. The Four Symbolic Animal Concept is used widely to represent a few concepts.
As this is a diagramatic illustation, it is used in a few different situations:
a. Under the Shapes and Form School:
Here, when you stand at the main entrance facing out of the house, the Dragon is at the East, the Tiger is at the West, the Tortise is at the back of the house and the Bird/Phoenix is at the front of the house.
b. Under the Compass School:
We add the `element' of colour. Under the compass school, the GREEN Dragon is the EAST, the BLACK Tortise is the NORTH, the RED Phoenix is at the SOUTH, the WHITE Tiger is at the WEST.
You will notice that the meaning behind the four animals is different under the Shapes and Form and the Compass School.
This is often why many users are confused over above.
It is always easier to understand concepts using pictorial representations and I hope, you will understand that many FS Schools use such objects to explain certain concepts easier. But this has in some cases added confusion.
Warmest Regards,
>On 10/26/99 9:13:33 PM, Sudha Moorthy wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Thanks for your message. I am
>giving some more details as
>there were some other
>clarifications I needed. I
>have checked out the eight
>house theory. Mine is a south
>east house. I live in a north
>east house. Accordingly, in
>the bedroom I sleep in, I get
>my health line. I sleep on the
>floor, and the foot of my bed
>is near my health line. Is
>this the correct way? My bed
>is almost in the middle of the
>room. I do not have much room
>to manouevre, because against
>the south wall are three
>cupboards. My head position
>is presently south east. The
>wall is some feet away behind
>my head. Halfway up in it is a
>big window with sliding glass
>panes. I keep it partly open
>at night for fresh air. When
>sleeping, I can also see the
>bedroom door and through it
>into the kitchen. I use a
>night light, yet sometimes I
>come awake and then have
>trouble getting back to sleep
>because I end up watching the
>door or looking over my head
>at the window and feeling
>slightly uneasy. Other times,
>it does not affect me. In the
>daytime, it does not affect me
>at all. Anything to do with my
>sleeping position, the
>cupboards, etc?
>You've said that the dragon is
>to the East but show it on the
>left of the house. So this
>East is not as in the
>direction, East? Because in my
>case, the east comes to the
>right of my house.
>Also, where does one put the
>shoes/slippers one uses
>everyday as well as the
>new/sometimes used ones? Does
>one follow the bagua and keep
>it in a particular place? Or
>where the bad intangible lines
>come in?
>Please do clarify.
>With thanks and regards,
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