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Dear Ang,
1. Last year, a few users brought up this subject of the `deadly' Five yellows or strong earth, which is still at the South until 4 Februrary 2000.
2. This calendar of Minor and Major dates which I had complied for the benefit of everyone is at:
will show the start of the Chinese New Year on 5 February 2000.
It is also useful for a first glance at the `good or bad' dates for an activity or event.
3. This determining of the Five Yellows for this year is based on the Yearly Flying Star Chart.
4. It is too generalised to be of any use to everyone as it is based on the calculation of the Base star of the Flying Star.
5. It does not take into account, the mountain and water stars. It is also not personalised to an individual.
6. Last year, a few users were `worried' about this same Five yellow at the South. But, this has not been eventful for most of us.
7. In my opinion, one should take such information with a pinch of salt as it is too generalised for many of us. It is not possible, statistically to say that everyone will be affected by the deadly Five yellow at the North.
This is a `flawed' assessment of Feng Shui and simply put, playing with people's `fear'.
8. It will certainly leave a `mark' or black spot on the author of the book if each year, the author continues to play with one's fear.
Furthermore, if the author provides a cure, it does not mean that it will work for everyone. Worse, if ones element is not analysed and may bring `harm' than good.
Usually, I believe it is very simple to write on problems but where is the solution and if there is a solution, can we generalise for everybody.
Warmest Regards,
On 1/17/00 2:53:55 PM, Ang Chye wrote:
>I have read a Feng Shui book
>that the 5 yellow is coming
>from North direction in year
>2000 and two of my family
>members have to "watch out"
>the bad chi from the 5 yellow.
>What can I do to counter the 5
>yellow ?
>Is there a universal way to
>counter all these bad chi or
>deadly arrows ?
>Thks & rgds
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