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Topic: Main Door and side door
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 7289
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 10/27/2000 10:22 PM

Dear Cheui May,

>If the main door is not
>suitable, but a side door is
>good, could you call the side
>door as the main door in a
>Flying Star Report?

Usually, the "main door" is where the house number or apartment number is placed. The other entrance which does not have this is usually called the "side door".

Normally, we advise the use of the side door for those users who already have an existing house with a main door which is not suitable for them to use the alternative side door especially if it is better.

However, if you have not purchase a house, it would still be better if you find a house with the main door as the best direction rather than use the alternative side door.

It will help if you use the side door although it is not a good as the true main door. Usually used as an alternative solution for an existing house.

>Also if you can use any door
>as the main door, and if two
>people have different facing
>directions and one door suits
>one person and another door
>suits another, which chart
>would be the right one for a
>flyings star?

You should choose the house based on the owner (breadwinner). The house must the be best for the owner of the house, the rest of the family member should then be located in suitable or favourable rooms. Thus, the other person need not worry so much about their eight house report in relation to the main door.

> The reason I'm asking these
>questions is because I've
>found a house that has the
>main door in the South East at
>130 degree, which is death to
>me, but there is another door
>in the North at 340 degree.
>Now this house has had a major
>renovation recently and in the
>period 7, there is a double 7
>in the North where this other
>door is. So my question is,
>even though this is not the
>original main door, if I use
>it instead of the main door,
>could I consider this to be
>the main door in the Flying
>Star Report?

Personally, as I mentioned although you can use the side door as the main door. However, since you have not purchase the house yet, why not look for another better one which has the main door as the best location.

There are several double 7 etc houses available in a few different direction. But you must also take note that you have to get the optimium benefit, as the suitability of the house to the owner is also equally important than a double 7 influence.

There are some people because of say the double 7 occurs together with that breadwinner's death or disaster sector, then even how good the double 7 is, the breadwinner is not suitable to it.

So in such a case, it is often better to get another non-double combination but results in auspicious sector, with suitable direction and favourable ba zi house element.

Please read this extract which I had recently written for a user.

---- Begin Extract ----

Normally what factors to look for are for:-

1. Shape and Forms factors

Mountain on the back of the house. Open space in front. And other auspicious
feature such as Dragon on the East, Tiger on the West etc. No missing
corners no sha qi from road etc.

2. An excellent Main Door based on Flying Star

If you have not selected a house yet, it would be good to hunt for a house
which has for example in period 7 a double 77 combination of stars in the
main door sector. This is important as it will bring wealth to the owner.

3. Suitability of the House to you

Next is that after you can identify the main door which falls in any of the
4 good sector of your eight house.

for 2. & 3. it is quite difficult to find it unless you know what you are
looking for. So a report which will help you greatly on this area is the
Finding a Good House report, which analyses 24 different facing direction in
relation to your Eight House and 24 Ba Zi Direction to determine the various
excellent location for your main door.

For example, after the analysis it will tell you that N2, NW2, E3 type of
houses are excellent house for you. Then while you are searching for a new
home, you would than want to look for any house which has the main door
falling within the direction defined by N2 (0 degree). This will greatly
reduce the time you need to actually analyse each house as you find.

By knowing this in advance for example N2 (double 7 with suitable facing
direction etc). Then you eliminate the other houses which does not fit your
requirements. Then when you come to the few N2 direction house, you can then
use for example the Eight House to see which of the N2 direction layout has
a bedroom which falls into the good sector for you.

4. Bedroom that is good for you

After you have point 2 & 3, you must then find a house which the bedroom
falls under the any of the 4 good sector. This will ensure further
suitability to you.

Once you can find a house that can cover point 1 to 4. Then you will have
already identify the ideal house for you.

After you have narrowed down to the few units which you like, then you can
decide the house you wish to buy and do a detailed Flying Star analysis of
the home to solve all the imbalances and activate/enhance the good sectors.
Only by than will the house layout come in properly.

For more details more about choosing a good home from one of my latest case
study example from a message in the forum as follows:-


---- End of Extract ----

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

>Cheui May

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