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Dear Aj,
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1. It is very difficult to reply to all your queries in just one email.
2. I believe the following are key issues:
2.1 There are macro and micro Feng Shui considerations.
In macro Feng Shui, we look at large areas such as a suitable location to
build a city. For example, the city of Canton in China was found to have
good Feng Shui. In general, it is good for housing to be sited in this city.
Other macro considerations are plots of land. For example, condominium
projects that have good shapes and forms generally benefit many people.
2.2 What I am trying to `impy' in the above is that macro FS is far more
important than say the interior layout of the building. I am not saying that
the building or house itself is not important but it is of secondary
importance when compared first with macro Feng Shui.
2.3 As for the use of wind chimes, crystals etc... here, caveat emptor or
let the buyer beware!
2.4 It is always good to go by recommendations from friends on the FS
practitioner that one may want to hire:
2.4.1 Commercial reasons
Here, I have heard many sad tales of some " FS " practitioners who try to
sell as many e.g. wind chimes to the unsuspecting home owner. Most likely
perhaps to entice the owner to depart with more money to be pocketed by
them. Under the above situation, the so called practitioner would try to
convince the owner that many areas of the home needs his / her cures. Here,
they may initially quote the owner " cheap " audit fees but once we engage
them, it may result in spending more money to buy wind chimes x 3 or 4 or
2.4.2 The `unsure' FS practitioner
Some FS practitioners may not be too confident of themselves or does not
know how to properly apply FS. The end result is to in their belief `try to
play it safe'. If they feel that one wind chime is required, may perhaps,
say why not be on the `safe' side and ask the owner to place two or more.
In my opinion, the above are the two main reasons why, there is differing
views in FS.
2.4.3. Questions like dead wood vs life wood are common in some forums
where, one sees no end in arguments by one or several practitioners who may
gang up to form their opinion. Overall, if we look at macro FS, which FS is
in the first place more important here, looking at this is more like (I
believe) peanuts FS.
We often see husbands and wife quibble or argue on minor issues. I believe,
this area is quite similar to the dead wood vs life wood.
3. I often stress that we do not get a quantum leap in FS just because we
use dead wood or life wood. But rather, we should maximise all our luck.
This is where, we get maximum results.
4. In fact all disciplines of the Chinese System involves the five elements concept and at a higher level yin and yang.
Thus, all cures or enhancements used by ALL practitioners should be related to them. If in doubt, ask the practitioner how did they derive at the conclusion.
A true practitioner would relate it to both the strength of the element (5 element concept) and logically, explain that either there is an imbalance caused at that sector or a certain element used helps in that sector.
Warmest Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "free-advice Listmanager"
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 5:49 PM
Subject: Mirrors and more on fs
> From: "Aj Gibson"
> i have read a lot of different feng shui articles, books, etc. why do they
differ so much in the use of mirrors, crystals, wind chimes, dead wood
versus life wood for the element cure, etc. one said that mirrors and
crystals have absolutely nothing to do with feng shui and another said that
if the house faces a bad direction for you you could put a pa-kua
(spelling???) mirror over the front door to reflect bad forces. can you
please clarify all this???
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