My Adviser (Geomancy Forum) Table of Contents
- Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui)
- Placement of bed
- Welcome to Free Advice Forum
- combating 5 and 2
- pond with waterfall in front of home
- Wish to boost my study & exam luck
- What I like to see in your new FS book
- Advice on Pillars of Destiny: Strong Metal
- Prosperity Sector is at the toilet location
- Popularity of Feng Shui and about Geomancy.Net
- Can we strengthen our winning luck in gambling?
- Want to know the fortune for Rat Sign
- Is a toilet at the North bad?
- Is yellow an inauspicious colour for 1999?
- How about a short description of all Animal Signs for 1999
- How do I apply the Eight House Theory?
- Why are there so `many' Feng Shui methods?
- Want to know more about family animal sign.
- Recommended Books on Feng Shui
- Chinese Astrology Forecast for the Rabbit Year
- Where is the centre of my house?
- Can plants & flowers be placed in a bedroom?
- 8House Theory: Is it applied everywhere?
- How to calculate my Kua?
- Charts for a newly purchased home.
- Significance of related topics
- My wind chime is made of clay...good?
- How to Cure Seemingly Bad Fengshui
- Very inauspicious house ...
- What can I place at 'Cai Wei' (Wealth corner)?
- About to purchase a house
- I have a collection of dragons.
- How to `fix' Bad Location?
- Is a Stove-island and floor-heat good?
- Feng Shui for Caravans
- About house numbers--- out of all #'s I have the '4' !!
- Kitchen Design - overcoming problems
- 'Deadly five' in the Year of the Rabbit
- What to look out for when buying a house?
- How do I read a Feng Shui Ruler?
- How long does a Flying Star Chart is in effect?
- Moles on the Palm of the Hand
- Poison Arrow at my main door
- Can I place a fish tank at the North wall?
- Electricity Pylons 1000m from home - visible from all windows
- Can a 'Fu Dog' be used as a FS 'cure'?
- New Topic - Feng Shui Business
- Sword made of ancient coins
- Main Door aligned to the back door
- Proper Pronunciation of the word Feng Shui
- Want to know more about Ley Lines
- Problem in placing the bed
- Computer in the bedroom
- Problem in placing the bed,part 2
- How does one apply the 8-house theory?
- Is South-West Sector the Relationship corner?
- Computer in the bedroom part 2
- How to position my bed to an intimate relation & good health
- What FS has to say about auspicious room dimensions?
- I often hear this... what is the white tiger location?
- An author said all rocks are of the metal element.
- How do I counteract spook and irritation?
- My husband and I are of different 8house, what should we do?
- Triangular lot, Love/Marriage is laundry room - remedies???
- Positioning my head to an auspicious location.
- Is having a White tiger 'entrance' no good?
- How can I find my, eight house, & etc.
- Can i improve my health condition by applying FS?
- Trying to conceive
- Mirror a double-edged sword?
- Mirrors in a bedroom what can I do?
- Main Entrance opens to a wall/stairs
- I like help on a decent floor plan for my rect. cabin
- Any cure? front door is in my 'Disaster' direction?
- Which door should I consider as my main entrance?
- Is the current facing of my bed good?
- Is the wealth corner at the far left corner of the house?
- I like to place a picture at the `romance sector'.
- Can I place bird nest ferns in the home?
- The worse Feng Shui house. Help!
- What is the effect of placing a crystal pyramid?
- I want to find out more about the Devil's Gate?
- Devils gate... does not sound too good for my house
- What can I do about two Bathrooms at the entrance?
- Can I find out more about antique furnitures?
- Flying Star Double 7 on the North area .. what to do?
- Someone mentioned ' baubiology '' is related to FS?
- Congratulations Cecil and Robert on best Web site
- How to find the direction of my main door for a studio apartment?
- My bathroom in located at the relationship corner
- Career (North) Corner Missing
- Front door on Death/Irritation lines
- An encounter with a wanna-be feng shui consultant
- Trying to determind, if 210 degrees is an auspicious direction for me.
- A 'TUI' living in a 'KEN' house.
- How to activate career sector
- Can I apply Feng Shui to selling a Home?
- Are mirrors good for the bedroom?
- What is the `rule' regarding TV's and other electricals?
- How is one's Pillar affected by the Flying Star?
- Gambling luck affected by staying at a friend's place?
- How to determine the facing direction of my apartment
- Do I consider the balcony as the main door?
- Flat Roof & 3 Doors in a row - any cures?
- Can you advice on Colours to paint my house?
- New Ehancements to Geomancy-Online
- Evaluation of a new house
- Water in the South & South-West
- My neighbors door is directly facing my main door
- Where to put mirror in the bedroom
- Tree & a single lamp post in front of main door
- Activating Mountain Star
- What direction do I use
- Can stuffed toys be placed in child's room?
- How do I apply Eight House if I am married?
- Main Entrance facing the stairs
- Spook at my Front Door
- Certificate Course in Applied Feng Shui!
- Clash of the 8 Houses
- Measure entrance door from different floor
- Small Apartment Bedroom
- Is my car number auspicious?
- Is the Hydrant bad?
- How many fishes must I rear?
- Can I find out more about the bedroom?
- Cannot find information about litter boxes
- Problem with stove next to fridge
- Aquarium - Left or Right?
- Flower and Plants
- Which partner's good direction to follow
- Re: Pets
- Free Feng Shui Software for home and office!
- Renovations done on the East this year
- Flower beds in the NE and W
- RE: Two fridges in a home. Comments?
- Desk facing directly to the door - what's the significance?
- More Grand Duke questions
- Position of the Aquarium
- Which is the main door entrance?
- I like to confirm the compass direction.
- Tree In front of front door and other problems
- Studio apartment
- Cecil Lee's : Applied Feng Shui Made Easy Book!
- Anyone one here stay in France?
- Feng shui in the bedroom
- House address
- House numbers
- How to enhance property business and personal health
- Feng Shui: Southern hemisphere confusion?
- Where should wall clocks be placed?
- Where to throw the garbage at home?
- Health/Excel line indented, bed in wrong position
- Dead or dying tree in yard
- Placement of computers in the bedroom
- 'flying stars' or 'lucky stars'?
- bed against the toilet wall
- FIVE YELLOWS vs Properity in 8-House
- Green Dragon and White Tiger
- shall I put all my water/wealth symbols in my hallway to my house?
- Schools of Feng Shui
- Year 2000
- ba gua and pa-kua
- Large and narrow rectangular house
- Strength of Day Pillar
- House Direction
- Cures/elements needed
- Flat above garage
- Why am I always sick
- Front Door Location
- Basement House
- Univeral Manager v3.0 for Report/Course/Book
- Is a balcony at the back of the house bad?
- Vacate master bedroom to use other room, ok?
- Good Chinese Feng Shui Book
- Mexican tile, & fireplace in central location
- How to attract romance luck? Nothing seems to work!
- Is it OK to have a carp painting and a wall uplight beside eac h
- L-shaped house
- Flying Star v6.10
- Flying Star - Look at which stars?
- Flying Star
- 101 Feng Shui Tips & Fixes - Volume I & Corrections to Books Published
- Living in a yacht
- Advice on Studio Unit
- Interested to buy Feng Shui Books written by CECIL & ROBERT
- Work area in the middle of a house
- How to apply 8House to studio apartment
- Pillar report: Other sections
- Do I evaluate the building or apartment
- Avoid wearing clothing with inauspicious colours
- Where exactly to place the stove.
- Advise on Rearing fish
- My personal directions & how to cure a sharp corner
- Looking for couples who want Dragon kids
- Take care when using Windchimes
- Flying Stars and my house built in period 6
- Something in the house that can cause Depression/Confusion
- Fake Ivy plants good in a bedroom?
- Airconditioning vent on top of bedroom
- New! Pillars of Destiny Comparision v0.50 beta
- Significance of Bamboo plants in FS?
- What if the staircase faces a bedroom?
- Like to extend my balcony: Good/Bad?
- House with no longer used Fire Place
- Advice on the placment of Grand Duke pewter plaque
- Fengshui Of a un-occupied new house.
- Finding the center of my house.
- Advice for the kitchen: Stove face a waterpoint.
- Slopped ceiling & aircon location
- Longevity/Death lines in bedroom. Help!
- New! Pillars of Destiny v6.50
- Free Limited Analysis for Flying Star Report
- Update! Pillars of Destiny v6.51
- Re: Main Door
- My office consulted a FS Master: curious sticker?
- A few questions on FS for the Bedroom
- I have two homes and my Feng Shui
- Advice on where to place Ornamental Swords.
- Man-made lake at the back of house
- Gold Fish-Tropical
- Rooms,Directions using a fixed template method
- A new Feng Shui Directory for users
- Bed not directly under beam
- Can a mirror be placed at the stove?
- What is the significance of a Fig tree?
- Is there an impact of the Five Yellows this year?
- Mini fountain show-case in bedroom
- Direction of Oven
- Rest Room next to my Entrance
- Stuff under the bed...
- Wish to boost my husbands luck
- Is the spare bedroom bad for children?
- Bathrooms: Center,left,right,next the main door ?
- Main door faces bedroom door
- Any negative effects on the use of Fake firecrackers
- An elephant decorative object.
- Kid's bedroom are their Spook & Irritation directions.
- Which bathroom location is most inauspicious?
- Opening direction of doors
- Good or Bad layout of a building under ' Yang Zhai Shi Shui '
- Tray ceiling in master bed room
- My bedroom door faces childrens
- house facing south-west direction
- Death Sector
- Overhanging wall over bed
- Feng Shui In the Garden
- elephant decorative object
- Intellectual Property Rights Notice
- Pie shape plot
- Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) Course - Info!
- Help on Flying Star
- Apartment main door
- Southern Hemisphere
- i need sme help on new bedroom
- Improving Feng Shui
- House number
- Fountain Search for near outside entrance
- Pakua Jewelry
- Too many books too little space?
- Updates to website!
- Grave site adjacent to backyard of house
- Best colour for west facing entrance door
- Definition of 'Chi'
- Can we apply FS to the gardens?
- Sleeping direction and bed placement
- Pillars infront of main door
- flying star
- Interested in rearranging the bedroom I share
- Different owners, same numbers
- Before the event
- Office FengShui
- Staircase facing Main door
- New conference Feng-Shui-Attachment
- My computer in the basement, good choice?
- Absolutely wonderful site
- Decorating and design my flat during U holidays
- 20 year chart
- Are Dog belong to 'Earth' and scared of 'Water'
- Do's and don'ts about Bunk Beds
- Can hanging the crystal ball activate the mountain star?
- Fish tank in the South Sector of my house?
- Moving bed, house during pregnancy?
- Dinning window overlooking a mountain view
- Advise on placement of a Bird feeder
- Where do I place a Dragon horse and Dragon turtle statues
- Do we extend all `missing' corners by putting mirrors?
- Where to hang Protective calligraphy
- Is the Hospital a very Yin place?
- Impressed by the to the point and correct advise
- Can I use any type of Coins?
- Who is the Owner & which chart for whom?
- Dragon , snake and dog matching
- I-Ching Coins: Can they bring good luck?
- Flying Star Course
- Can I use S shape handle for my kitchen cabinet?
- Tiolets
- Lucky frog
- Ghost
- Black and blue color
- Luk Fak Sau
- wealth
- Music and fengshui
- Business logo
- Baby boy or baby girl
- Cross symbol
- How to improve luck
- Doors
- Water beds
- What kind of wind chimes are good?
- Ox, Monkey and Dragon
- A personal experience
- The person's element destroy, will be the wealth element?
- Can you explain what is Yin and Yang gardens
- If metal is bad for me, can I still wear them: Jewellery
- Can you define the term: deity, bone and stem
- Altar for Kitchen GOD
- Bright Hall and installing a huge metal globe
- Circular shape building
- What are the best shapes of desks?
- Is the Pakua mirror same as any mirror?
- Cluttered basement is this a problem?
- 8 house theory for 2 storey house
- Are bird baths considered water positions?
- Are cactus plants good for the house?
- What type of flowers to grow on the balcony
- Is Dowsing Important?
- Inauspicious rented home
- Can I use Feng Shui to predict Stocks
- Is clapping,ringing bell part of fengshui
- House faces a T junction
- Can I use feng shui to loose weight
- The Yin of Water
- What is the significance of placing 6 coins?
- Selling a House
- Feng Shui Symbols
- Pets and chi
- Feng shui for your cats and dogs
- Children sleeping with reptiles in their rooms
- Talented number and life number
- Is fu and fook symbol same
- Geomancy.Net's 3rd Anniversary!
- Placement of Auspicious statues
- Where to buy your book and what title
- My dragons and pheonix have open mouth
- Further Updates & Special Offers to Geomancy.Net!
- Feng Shui for Pregnancy
- I need some help in my directions
- Planting Xiu Liu Hua and Guan Yin Bamboo
- Theory of Neutrility
- My roofs are sloped
- Pa Kua mirror - convex or concave
- Working in old hospital
- Altar on the deathline
- Use of TV to neutralize the bad area
- Addition: Ancient Art of Pillars of Destiny Revealed!
- I am intrested in a good bedroom color
- Prediction using the I-Ching Model
- Cannot sleep well, Help
- New! Pillars of Destiny Explanation v0.50 beta
- Nightmares and mirrors in bedroom
- Does playing 3 coins improve your wealth?
- Updates! Pillars of Destiny Explanation v0.50 beta
- New! Daily Auspicious/Inauspicious Day/Hr Forecast!
- neighbourly relations
- 3 leg Toad
- What is the cycle of weak and strong elements
- Conflicting Advice
- New! Pillars of Destiny v7.00
- Dislay Items for Weak Earth Elements.
- Master in Geneva, Switzerland
- Stairs in the middle of the house
- Scents under Feng Shui
- Appliances destroying my prosperity and longavity line
- How to find the auspicious direction for travel
- Murals on the ceiling
- Facing Health Problems
- Office Door Facing the top of Staircase
- New! Pillars of Destiny v7.10
- Location of swimming pools
- Explanation of different theories
- New! Pillars of Destiny v7.20 beta
- Water Heater at the Center of the House
- Display Item for Weak Earth
- Hitec kitchen gadget for the millennium
- Roof garden
- Feng shui jewellery
- Feng shui for cars
- Swimming pool at West location too Yin?
- Updates to Geomancy-Forum.Com!
- Death, Disaster lines for child's room
- House Numbers/Address
- Best location for ceramic stuff
- Can one place a globe in the bedroom
- Baqua Placement
- fengshui in south hemisphere
- What is the meaning behind the 3 legged toad
- i am new here...i hope i am doing this right
- Help, save my relationship
- Business Cards
- Where to use crystals
- Is a West House a Metal House
- Lily pond location in front of the house?
- Mirror in North ( where Fireplace is)
- A well in the backyard
- Bad Intangible Forces
- Want to know about water dragon
- How to use 5 bulbs to remove sha
- Fish tank close to a window
- Road behind the house
- Colors for Car
- Role of chimneys
- Information about metallic bells
- Is it bad to keep dried flowers in home
- Crystals
- Bed facing bathroom entrance
- My entire house has wood ceiling beams - help!
- Main door faces a junction with traffic light
- How to dispose the faded pakua mirror
- What is the effect of mirrored building on neighbouring building
- significance and direction of different flowers
- What is the significance of the horse shoe
- Where to keep 5 chinese coins
- Is it bad to have a pyramid shaped roof
- Why + shaped houses or shape is considered auspicious
- Is it bad to sit with lamp behind
- Main door facing a parking lot
- Guidelines for windows and back doors
- The power of peony flower
- West side is lower than the East side
- Role of tassels
- Empty phto frame
- What is hungry ghost festival
- Flags in the front of the home
- Miniature artificial fish tank
- Can one hang 5 bulbs in the bedroom
- Metal mail box opening in the main door
- Mermaids
- Pillar with sharp edges
- The inscribing the Kun and Ch'ien on the walls
- Negative effects of scissors and snout of kettle
- Significance of windmills, windmobile and windsock
- Yin and Yang music
- Can your back door be your main door?
- Under the Bed
- What plants to plant around a transformer box to cut the electro magnetic radiation?
- What is a Keiloon
- Which is the correct back side
- What is peach luck
- All electronic appliances to be kept on the left side
- Position of the vase
- What is the best location for keeping musical intruments
- Kitchen door
- Park at the back of the house
- Semi circular driveways
- Front door facing the railway tracks
- Kitchen in the North-west sector
- Roof pointed at the main door
- Steel exhaust fan in the kitchen
- Pictures hung incorrectly
- What is a chinese unicorn
- Cure for clashing door
- Bedroom door in the slant
- Staircase at Front Entrance
- Desk is in the worst place
- Position of tables and chairs in a school
- I live in a west house
- Location of kitchen
- Gazebo in the garden
- Why all the decoration stuff have pictures of chinese ladies and not men
- What is a Qirin or Kei Lun (With attached note from Cecil)
- Water fountain which location is best?
- Is keeping a horse figure in south is bad if one was born in the year of mouse
- Is pictures of tiger bad for those born in the year of Hose and Dog
- Kitchen in open concept? OK?
- Ceiling fan in the middle of the bed
- White tiger pictures in the living room
- Master Bedroom above garage
- Which direction should the head of our bed facing ?
- House facing death sector
- Grand Duke Directions - Southern Hemisphere?
- Arrows at my home
- Cure for kitchen in the center of the house
- What is a Wu Lou (With attached note from Cecil)
- One Floor-Two Stairs
- Is having the head face West bad?
- What are the best colors for exterior of the home
- South Sector dangerous months?
- Yin Feng Shui apply to caring for gravesite?
- 'Meat Cleaver' shape bedroom
- Need help in new home-money difficulties
- Mirrors in Bedroom draining chi?
- Arranging a class room under FS conditions
- Master bedroom with tray ceiling
- Keeping Bicycle inside. Good or Bad?
- Placing of bed in bedroom
- 4 symbolic animals and how to determine house direction
- Net curtains to block the poison arrows
- Arrow shaped pointers on monitor are they bad
- Building roof with metal springs
- L shaped living room
- Question on kitchen and front door
- Are teddy bear considered ferocious animals
- Rules for the jacuuzi inside the home
- Wind Chimes in the neighbourhood
- How to improve children's studies?
- Fixing my front door
- Slanted ceilings in the bedrooms
- Does sha radiate?
- Is covered porch considered part of the house
- Why statues are used in feng shui
- Is location of sofa affects the feng shui of a place
- Can one keep red flower tiffany lamp
- Renovation on first floor during the hungry ghost festival
- Double happiness symbol for attracting relationship
- What is a pagoda
- College student renting a single room in a house
- Foods belonging to earth elment
- Does electrical wiring problem means bad feng shui
- Placement of Fish Tank
- Urgent Pls help, Can I bring my baby to funeral??
- Burial Grounds is this bad
- Carpet in center stairway
- Can one keep a dragon in the bedroom
- Is living near a light house bad
- Where to place a `basket' of the 5 elements
- What is the true element of coral
- How to pick the right gem stone
- How can one find out if the house is haunted
- Why so much importance is given to lime/lemon tree
- What is the best place to keep the symbol of conjugal bliss
- Pictures of monkeys
- Dragons facing each other
- Garbage cans near the main door
- Business Partnership & Company Logo
- Main dooronly in NW direction
- Is sleeping with head pointed to SW bad
- Houses-his is SW, mine is NE
- Need Advice for New House
- Tall, large, old pine tree
- Clock facing my home.
- How to cure a site wall facing bedroom's door which forming a 'T'?
- Does your element work with geographic home
- Does pakua needs to be prayed upon in order for it to be effective
- Correct way to hang a pakua
- Correct position for dragon
- Correct position for turtle
- Can rooster be used for energizing the south sector
- Shape of sofa and lamp shade play any role in feng shui
- Northeast Kitchen Help!!!!!
- Color of entrance door
- How to select a time of birth for pillars module
- Does the architecture builds the house according to feng shui
- How to find the compass direction
- Expressway - Which unit to choose
- How do I go about arranging my desk at work ?
- What is the half fish like structure
- Is the health sector at the North or West?
- Is the convent at the back of my house a bad thing?
- Why pataling Jaya so famous
- How to improve one's luck
- Dragon chi and deflecting poison arrows
- Is bazi feng shui same as 8 aspiration
- Does chinese year always begins on 4 or 5 febraury
- Can one improve one's luck with career and romance
- Placement of Pa Kua
- How to apply bazi to ones life
- What can I do about my red fireplace mantel?
- Wealth Producing numbers
- Graveyard in the neighbourhood
- My bed is under open beams what can I do?
- Deathline at maindoor
- Applying Feng Shui in an apartment
- How to create more chi in my mobile home
- Can one have a baby in inauspicious year
- Cure for tomb shaped headboard
- Kitchen door faces the living room
- Length of the screen
- The room at the center should be left empty
- Statues of the lion and the direction of the door
- Brass knobs to correct the sha
- Disturbing the grand duke
- Want to find out the most suitable house directions
- Thoroughly confused about Eight House Theory
- I need Feng Shui Tips for selling my house
- Which one are real dragons
- Why the statues of lion are tied with red cloth
- Why the mobiles are aimed at Bank of India direction
- What is the significance of hanging the mobiles
- Face to face Bedroom door
- Does replacing the carpets with floor tile change the flying star
- Comments on my Kithcen layout
- Should I neutralize or enhance a sector?
- My bathroom is at the south
- If W is wu kwei (5 Ghosts) can it destroy my luck
- Will mirrors make a sector disappear?
- Telephone Pole over seeing my main door
- Overcoming an overhead Beam
- Window above the main door
- Earthen lamp at T junction house
- Main door faces a narow alley between the two houses
- Thin and tall trees on the either side of the main door
- Christmas lights in east
- Can this house be fixed?
- Dead tree next to the bedroom window
- Whis is my main entrance: front door/back door?
- No 'front' door - should we move?
- Opening and closing the door in disturbs the grand duke
- What is eight immortals
- Is my main door facing north or north-west?
- Advise on increasing fertility
- House layout which cause death twice in a year
- Hanging a sword made of coins in the house
- Is it necessary to tie pakua mirror with red thread
- Can feng shui copper ruler be used to eliminate the shar from 2 and 5
- What is the significance of keeping a gourd at home
- Some questions regarding the home address
- One should improve the feng shui with different animal symbol
- Baby and Feng Shui
- Step down to house
- Sleeping direction - which is the best?
- Placement of furniture in bedrooms
- White picket fences
- Hanging the wreaths on the main door
- Kitchen on top of the bathroom
- Are fudogs similar to lions
- Trying to sell my house
- How much time see the result of enhancements
- Fu-dogs, how are they placed
- How to find out the real year of construction
- Main Door of Home - Death / Disaster line
- Is having a red sofa bad
- Yellow color and sickness star
- Main door and the dinning table
- Kitchen door faces the bedroom door
- Stove faces the stairs
- Potted plants outside the living room window and bedroom window
- Does keeping crystals in the bedroom causes nightmares
- Why is it bad to keep stove in NE or SW
- What is good to put on the gate pillars
- How to improve relationship with mother-in-law
- Lucky/Unlucky colours
- Cannons face the main door
- Is having a rock garden in front of the house bad
- Sleeping on a mattress on the floor
- Placement of fresh flowers
- Another way to find out if house has good or bad feng shui
- How can one find out if the feng shui is working
- circulation of qi
- Conflict regarding use of five element
- Is having white colored furniture bad
- Hot tub in Northeast corner
- Door to Door Bedroom
- Back facing Kitchen entrance when cooking
- How does Qi moves inside the house
- When Wu Chen occurs in the pillar of destiny chart
- #1#8 combination and chances of winning lottery
- Digging in the SE and illness
- Moving House and Directions
- Are waterbeds bad?
- Activate good stars
- Clock placement
- Crystal bracelet
- Ba Yun / Zhai Yun
- Advice on determining centre of the house
- House with facing direction SE or NW
- Pillar of destiny and caesarian birth
- Sink versus stove in kitchen
- Arched windows and doors
- Garden and bright hall
- Beaded curtain Vs Screen
- Tree Facing Front Door
- Pls tell me where can I attend classes on feng shui in Bombay India?
- Can one use any kind of coins to cure the beams
- New House in year 2000
- Mountain star and sickness star #2 and #5
- Three beams on top of the bed
- Why cant one use 5 coins to neutalize the sha
- Business logos with feather pen and inkpots
- Feng shui paintings
- What are Poison Arrows?
- Are sloping ceiling a bad thing?
- Sleeping & other stuff - more questions!
- How to activate a mountain star
- What is the difference between a house and HBD flat audit
- Home assessment using the various methods
- Does the back door have any significance?
- How to place the bagua?
- Marraige Problem
- Under ground water and earth fault lines
- The correct way of using the chinese coins
- The affect of illness star #2 and #5 in a high rise building
- Why the binding element were not suggested
- Different schools of Feng Shui
- Sleeping Lofts inauspicious?
- My main door faces south: Wealth & Prosperity North?
- Elevated parking drive way
- Right location for kitchen (stove)
- Marriage Problems and the Eight House Theory
- Need more advise on the missing corners
- Which is the best sector to hang the Christmas Lights this year
- Help in identifying Poison Arrows!
- Re: Ba Yun / Zhai Yun
- How to cure a concrete or metal beam
- How to bring more tree energy inside the home
- House with a bad combination
- Is a square diamond ring bad Feng shui
- Chinese figurines, coins etc.
- Search engine for previous advices
- Source of qi
- Split level home wealth corner
- Is having open bookcases in the office or home bad
- Is halogen lamps bad
- One should not hang carpets on the wall
- Auspicious Directions under Eight House
- Cures for White tiger.
- 5 sliding tinted glass doors & doors combination
- How do mirrors affect a room and where do i place them?
- Bedroom set-up with Romance corner at SW
- Effect of the Grand Duke
- Can one stick the coins in another way
- Can paper dragon be used to neutralize a poison arrow
- What is the name of the flower which blooms through out the year
- Mirror at the entrance door
- Is activating mountain star at the front and main door bad
- Dying plant inside the home
- Combination of the numbers which indicate cancer
- Unequal door panels
- Is having slidding windows bad
- Is keeping the altar under the sloping ceiling bad
- Is wearing dragon shaped pendant bad
- Neighbour problems
- How can one find out the romance on positive side in flying star
- Holding a house that gives one `luck'
- Is a 'river' at the back of a house bad feng shui?
- Is Koi with black or red marks on their head bad
- Predecessor luck and used things
- Would like to see a feature called thought of the day
- Different color light bulbs
- Is keeping pair of live birds in a cage bad
- House facing a river and mountain in the distance
- Swimming pool at the right of the main door
- Does the in built cabinets considered missing space
- Main door in the slant
- Main door faces a huge building in the front
- Arrow used to divert the flow of the chi
- Is hanging vines and creepers in the dinning room good
- Comparison between the house and human anatomy
- Room faces another room
- The Pakua mirror keeps falling off
- Different Kinds of Dragon
- Inverted trident in the window or door design
- Main door opens to a split wall
- Is having small bathroom bad
- Is having bathroom at the end of the long corridor bad
- Is having the bedroom below the center line bad
- Is having the main door near the elevator or incinerator bad
- Is having too much furniture bad
- Does the attic/basement/pantry/storage affect the feng shui of the home
- Is having cluttered workstation bad
- Is having doors that dont close correctly or squeak bad
- Diagram of the center line of a house
- Bring luck to house
- Kua calculation , Confused??
- Is having rectangular chimneys bad
- Square columns facing the living room door
- Help with placing bagua map
- Feng shui on a limited budget
- Feng Shui in Townhomes
- Electrical Post in front of commercial building
- Bed divider is this inauspicious?
- Confused with birthdate
- Star number 4?
- New Goodhouse Report
- Bed with double mattress
- King size beds: Why not use a Plat form bed
- Stairs located in the center of the house
- Toilet in the wealth area
- Land Shape and House Number
- Are Box bed considered bad
- Need Cure for a house full of problems & cannot move
- Bedroom door faces staircase going down to first floor..
- Exposed Beams in house
- Two different KUA numbers
- Is activating both mountain star and water star at the same location Bad
- Exposed Beams in House
- Does hanging huge pictures in the living room means we activated the mountain star
- Can one use globe to activate a mountain star
- Setting up new fish tank at home
- Doors that face each other!
- Mirror in the living room
- Is having clock tower next to house good
- Sunken floor and its implication
- Difficulty in locating the Main Entrance
- Steps leading straight down from my back door
- Headboard of Bed against Window
- Health&Family In Bathroom
- What door is the 'Front Door' in an apartment
- Another fish tank problem
- finding love now & in the year 2000 ?
- Sharp edge behind the back
- Query regarding Disaster area
- Exposed beams in the bedroom and living room
- Do stripes cause Sha Qi
- Buying land to build a new house
- How does one decide the Entry Direction?
- Explanation of Comments please
- Need help!
- Confusion over which is the front door
- Antique business and overhead beams
- Six family members in our house, advice on integrating auspicious directions?
- Beautiful antique wooden table with brass objects
- Query About furniture placement
- Poison arrow from building
- Should the kids room be above garage
- Is my new house good
- L Shaped Apartment
- Which way to face front door
- Poison arrow directly `pointing' to my head
- Cannon Piece / Curtains or Kuan Yin figurine
- Problem bedroom
- How to enhance our health?
- Feng Shui for the Southern Hemisphere
- Questions regarding Mountain Star
- House does not feel right
- Next to a 1733 Graveyard
- More information on Singapore's Suntec City's Feng Shui
- Feng Shui and the South Hemisphere
- Can there be two main doors in the house?
- Houses built near the valcano
- Flying star and the garden
- How to cure the dead tree stump
- Sleeping in the Disaster Area
- Toilet in the East
- Clarification on Eight House Theroy
- Ba Gua Trigram on a door and what are stars?
- How to use of the bagua mirror
- Mountain Star in the Corner
- Center point with a Sickness Star and Water
- RE: Trigram over a door
- Can one predict the exact day and time of the earthquak
- Selling away rotting cars
- Advice on location of dishwasher
- Best location for a Fountain in the living room
- Auspicious day for the wedding
- Bed in the death area
- One should not keep shoe rack in the house
- 6 chinese coins in a jar of sea water
- teletubbies at home
- Main Entrance Confusion
- Ghost?
- Does a thick wall make a difference to toilet placement?
- Bookcase at the front door good or bad?
- House location - Feng Shui
- Washer + Dryer in Bedroom
- Coin to put on books
- Clothes dryer near living room
- What is the significance of the hole at the base
- Can one activate a mountain star by using a picture of mountain
- Some questions about the sterling housing development
- Mirror behind the stove
- Cartoon Decorations on wall and ceiling
- Unicorn substitute
- Lamp pole & Stand lamp
- Do the 6 Coins have to be visable when used as a cure?
- Tree to stop the Qi from escaping
- One more question about the sterling housing development
- Amount either side of Grand Duke directions
- What are plus points of the figure 8 condominium complex
- Chinese Astrology Forecast
- Success in buying a new house
- Conch under bed = better travel luck?
- What is the significance of a crystal?
- Year 2000 for Kitchen in the West.
- Where to display Chinese lucky cats
- Where to display large Chinese pigs
- Using a boulder to activate a Mountain Star
- Door Tilting and Flying Star
- Where to display a large OX figurine
- What direction should Kuan Kung and Lu Fu and Sau should face
- Two new illustrations and graphics under Photo Tours
- Some more questions about the sterling point
- What is the significance of Knot
- Why only earth God is allowed in Kitchen
- Should CEO office should be located in the top most floor
- What is the significance of red paper lantern
- What is the best place to place a Laughing Buddha
- Writing a story with some Feng Shui `ingredients'
- What will happen to Fortredale building
- Is logo with circle inside a triangle bad
- Mens and womens restroom
- Mortuary next to kitchen in a Hospital building
- Why only Pink envelops are used
- Need more information about one fullerton building
- Why only the dragon and pheonix are kept in the bedroom
- What is the correct way of keeping a altar
- What is the significance of the hammer symbol
- Chinese coins & Pillars Of Destiny
- Activating Water Star.
- Installing a male urinal in the home bathroom
- House facing, level of flat and collecting keys.
- Is there any binding element for smothing relationship between parents and adult children
- Statues outside the home
- Confusion in colour
- Red and Blue together! Yes/No?
- Like to improve relationship
- I need help! i have no clue what i'm doing
- How do we know if Feng Shui is working
- How to have baby using Feng Shui object s' placement
- Where should I place a picture of a waterfall
- Why the color black should not be used under any circumstance
- IBM Singapore Building
- Placement of telephone and fax machines
- Is keeping sculpture in the bedroom bad
- Tree in the picture of bunglaw houses
- Snow for a mountain
- Window to door ratio
- What is meant by head facing direction
- How do you know if you're a strong or weak element?
- Problems in dating a property Flying Star
- Why water plant are considered different from plants
- Is keeping a clock near a window bad
- Heaven-Earth-Human Luck Percentages?
- Water leaks in the home
- Where should I place a water fountain
- Feel disturbed in house
- Time difference in `time frame'
- What does money plants look like
- Mirror in front of toilet
- Sibling Rivalry
- How to determine the colour of carpet
- Money Plant Woes
- Is living in a tilted building bad
- Mirror facing toilet again... HELP
- Help! I live with a non-believer!
- Help in understanding Water Stars!
- 'Trey' ceiling popular here
- Why water in west is bad
- Is it bad to hang pictures of roosters in the dinning room
- Is having a chimney on top of the main door bad
- Combinations of Ten
- Beam & sharp corner
- What is the purpose of installing the statues of lady with umberalla
- What u think about open living
- Bed Positioning in relation to the bedroom layout
- More than one possible front door?
- Bathroom in Master Bedroom
- Main Entrance FS cure
- Is it possible to activate a Mountain Star in the Center of the House?
- Is a brown floor considered an earth remedy?
- Bed in line of sight of doorway
- Small windows high up over bed
- Should the lamp be on all day and night for a fire remedy?
- Water in the West
- How come there are only 4 stars shown in picture of North star general
- Front door faces back door
- Enhance the good sectors.
- Entrance of apartment and main door.
- Sharp corner facing the bed
- Advice on Water in the West
- Is there a substitute for trees/plants
- Picture according to room
- Ancient Chinese Coins
- 7,9,2 stars at front door
- Having side by side beds arrangement
- Questions about Overhead beam
- Front Door directly facing neighbour's door
- I do not want to disturb the Grand Duke
- Question about Protruding corner
- When does the location of tai su changes
- What color to paint the house?
- Does the wealth element changes
- Sun-room addition to the house at the missing corner
- Marriage Unhappiness - Sink & Stove face each other
- What to do about a glass entry to a North - South house?
- Need clarification about house of conception
- How to counter five yellow for year 2000
- Chinese calligraphy facing the bedroom door
- Is having empty space underneath the staircase bad
- Why sea salt is considered earth element
- Is having light in the water bad
- Toilet and kitchen on either side of the main door
- How can we activate good luck in order to sell our house
- Is it bad to have the stair facing main door
- What is the six killings?
- Placing a 5 rodded windchime outside the entrance
- Does names have to do with 5 Feng Shui elements
- How to enhance personal saving as money comes and go
- Please explain ' the head of the house'?
- Water heater near center of house
- Dolphin & mermaid copper water fountain
- Is using semi circular doormat inside the home bad
- Little confuse on the balancing of Qi
- Is keeping plants on the staircase bad
- Choosing a rug color and patter
- Linen closet at the centre of home - inauspicious?
- New House and Garden and Grand Duke
- Is accountancy and cartooning 'wood' related jobs
- Why so much significance is given that the coin should be displayed as a string
- Career elements under Pillars of `occupation'
- Role of chandelier in feng shui
- What element is engineering job classified as
- Job Element in accounting, bookkeeping, banking
- Is an L shaped house especially inauspicious
- Moving to another country - finding best direction ofr home
- Office appliance design - any feng shui design implications
- Wind chime must the rod be solid or hollow ?
- Placement of fridge, stove & bed
- What are big coins used for
- Is keeping cement or plastic frogs in the garden bad
- Most business cards and credit cards have inauspicious measurements
- Can mini tigers be used to point at poison arrows
- Is there any such thing as travel feng shui
- String of coins and inauspicious measurement
- Moving fans and feng shui
- How to have more control over finance
- Is using vertical blinds bad
- Is it bad if the right side of the house is larger than left side
- What does different tones of flowers mean
- Installing new door - it is inferior and workman not getting finished
- Congratulations and thank you
- Is using dragon near the main door to negate a poison arrow bad
- Huge garbage dumpster facing my living room window
- How to remedy the eaves inside the bedroom
- Cannot keep money
- Complexities of the mountain star
- Bedroom door faces the stairs
- When main door faces the bedroom door
- Problems with renovation a studio apartment
- Is it bad to hang pictures of dragon in the hall next to the main door
- How is Feng Shui applied to outdoor living
- Maximise wealth luck in Year 2000 for Kua No 4
- Is it good to have dinning room /family room in the middle of home
- 3 killings sector of the garden and earth dug up
- Earth, Earth, Earth elements and evaluation
- How to take a compass reading
- Sha qi/chi from a cd rack?
- Main door facing direction .
- Help needed with NW facing house
- Personal Luck etc. Please help or comment, Master!
- Strengthening Weak Wood
- Feng Shui for Health
- Illness (stomach problems)
- Main door is on the side
- Advice on placement of the Fu Lu Shou figurines
- How many fishes to rear
- Stairway out the Front Door
- Enhancing prosperous stars
- Location of my new home. HELP!
- Travel and feng shui
- L Shape house with opposite direction for husband and wife
- Symbolic Animal Confusion
- Placement of 'Auspicious Chinese Dragon'
- Help in finding a suitable Dragon
- How to recognise the north,south in the house
- Placement of mirrors in the house
- Main entrance door is a the far left side
- Difficult to stay focus while studying at home
- Caesarean delivered baby
- Understanding back of home & frontage of house
- What are mountain stars and how do i apply them
- Ref L Shape house with opposite direction:
- 2000 metal dragon based on Heavenly stem
- New - How do I know which is the right...?
- How to find a suitable house?
- Hiring a consultant
- Moved into new home but finances plunged deeply
- Stove facing front door
- Nice Prosperous environment of a Fruit Shop
- Where is the best direction of the front door
- Finding a right house
- Which door to consider in Feng Shui
- Removal of Grave
- Tips to improve wealth
- Misc questions: kua no, dried plants etc..
- My work in the past 6 months
- The L shaped room and the partition
- Is keeping plants outside the bathroom bad
- Is keeping plants and flowers in the kitchen bad
- Rooster in the kitchen
- Brass incence burner with the 2 lion heads
- Storeroom in the bedroom
- Bathroom and auspicious symbol
- Placement of things on office desk
- Adult and baby wearing old clothes
- BAZHI with other peopl. Is this a threat?
- Fascinated but troubled.
- Studio apartment and poison arrows from furniture
- Does a hallway entrance create negative chi?
- Priority to enhance Health
- Masterbedroom above kitchen stove
- Front Door Facing public walk way
- Main Entrance faces West
- Cure for the indents and the extensions
- Satelite dish and poison arrow
- Sand pit used to neutralize the poison arrow
- Blade or knife to neutralize threat from tree
- Dragons and the chinese chamber of commerce
- Changing hot plates
- Shoe Rack outside the door
- 3 same type of animal
- Beam down hang above cooking stove
- Water element behind house
- Old Chinese Coins
- Moving to other house while prenancy
- Research on History of Feng Shui
- Plotted plants and the soil
- Tansu step cabinets
- Tall chest cabinets in the bedroom
- Flying star Feng Shui
- Will this cure sha qi?
- Calculating personal Feng Shui Time and Year?
- How to call a perfect Geomancer in korean lang.
- Moles on the face (from Linday Yoth)
- Moles on the face
- Fish tank under the sloping ceiling
- Can plastic surgery change ones fortune
- Bedroom below road level
- Various questions on everyday life
- Bath room / powder room
- Elements of Jobs
- Front door in spouse 'death' sector
- If u r weak fire, must u avoid drinking water?
- North is 'death' sector. Does that mean....
- Studio apartments and feng shui
- Sinks and fengshui
- Can one hang 5 lights in the center of the home
- Stuck, can Feng Shui help?
- Lucky birthdate for march 24-31, 2000
- Tansu step cabinets
- Lights used for dispersing sha qi
- History of Feng Shui
- Future for children
- Placing of God of Wealth (Chai Shen Yeh)
- Flying star give me headache
- Enhance a room as far as love
- Yin and Yang balance
- Japanese or Chinese Cat
- Cecil , your two rows of coins
- Automatic activation of mountain star
- Mountain star and illness star
- Flying Star or Eight House
- Room auspicious in flying star, but Eight house..
- A house that has a few Feng Shui problems
- Clearing a space of unwanted energy
- Complexities of Grand Duke
- Office facing a row of elevator
- 9 squares or 8 wedges of circle?
- Wealth Career Sector under Pillars of Occupation
- Combination for good health
- Crystals and fountain for romance sector
- Front of the house should be on a slope
- Rocking chairs and pendulum clocks
- Use of backdoor
- Use of backdoor
- Shape of roof
- Dinning room and mountain star
- Windows in the bedroom
- 6 x 1-dollar sing coins in saltwater
- Facing/sitting directions
- Closed doors and closed windows and MS
- Imbalance in the storeroon and bathroom
- Hanging pictures facing main entrance
- Communication within our home
- Color Gray
- Questions on Sha Chi & Devil's Gate
- Is a metal statue more metal than 6 coins
- Born in southern hemisphere...
- Must 6coins be tied with a single string?
- Aquarium at the right side of door
- Plants in the bathroom
- Calendar when taking dates
- Do we use one or two string of coins
- What is the purpose of hanging the brooms
- I Ching and divination
- Trying our relationship together - good match?
- Living on a culdesac
- Sickness star
- Water Fountain inside the home
- How to put the remedies
- This year bad direction is North?
- What is 6 coin cure?
- Taking compass direction
- Fish tank facing main door
- Flying Star meanings
- North facing chart = south facing chart
- Main Door is Disaster
- Activating Mountain Star
- Template From Flying Star
- Good Luck Charm for New Home
- Where can i get an 'ba gua'
- Is sleeping in the center room bad
- Use of coal
- Cure in a drawer
- Choosing the House Color
- Picture of Water Lily
- Trouble sleeping
- Stop smoking
- HDB with bamboo poles sticking out
- Behind picture frame
- How long does feng shui takes effect?
- Three chinese coins and the plant
- What is the best part of the house to locate stair
- How to neutralize Irritation Section
- Does the kitchen should also have a external wall
- Huge cactus outside the apartment
- Plus equilibrium question
- Feng Shui in Tokyo, Japan
- Book says fountain is best placed in the North
- Fountain in the living room
- Placement of picture /wind chime
- Does size matter in a cure?
- Home - Feng Shui
- Looking under the hood
- Is it ok to cover the kitchen door with cloth?
- What is mylar?
- 6 coin cure
- The front door is different for both of us?
- Favorable bed position
- Main door faces west
- Question on Kua no. 1
- Hang wind chimes to improve relationship?
- My personal element
- Looking for a lucky date
- Sharp Corners in the bedroom
- What Jewelry is best?
- Main Door faces favourable direction
- Home Office, where to place a computer
- Position of bed on the same wall as bathroom
- Huge building overshadows restaurant
- Which is the LOVE corner
- Recommended cure for a Blue roof
- Air Conditioner/Heater Unit on Roof
- Lots of computers at school
- Sleeping on a Magnetic Pad
- How to improve my studies
- Does garage count as part of the house?
- Time and date of birth
- Eight House analysis , Flying Star analysis otherw
- Front to Back Door
- Placement of desk
- Closet in center of house
- Master Bedroom above a garage
- Sitting and sleeping positions
- Are water beds good or bad Feng Shui?
- Bedroom over kitchen
- What is the best sleeping position?
- Awkwardly placed doors
- Bedroom over garage
- The auspicious direction for the house
- Activating the Green Dragon
- How does one know if there arespirits in the trees
- Is it bad to keep statues of the cats in the livin
- Do we need to change pakua mirror every year
- Choosing the right bed according to element
- Alley is Poision Arrow to Garage
- Pillars of destiny - Strong or weak
- Transparent Glass door
- Garden colours and planting of couple of trees
- Do spirits harm people
- Apartment with excellent shapes and form
- Excessive noise and the fengshui
- Pair of wooden hands
- Antiques and the feng shui
- Health and Your Front Entrance
- Buried dead cat in wrong spot?
- Servant's quarters etc.
- Pair of wooden hands in recieving position
- Conflict with colleagues
- How important is the door of the main door
- How can feng shui help with legal issues?
- What if you and your partner are opposite?
- Bedroom over Kitchen
- Front door, with safety door
- About spirits and often feeling uneasy to sleep
- Activating the mountain star
- Please help......Office Sitting Arrangement...
- Is displaying mask bad feng shui
- Mirrors in bedroom
- Roosters and telephone poles
- Advise please, house built in the 1920's
- Apartment setup
- Triange Effect Update
- Metal bed & other questions
- Underground water
- Is keeping tiger balm with a tiger with open mouth
- Underground water
- Fish Tank or Fountain
- Change of Residence
- Water Tank at West side of house
- Why no rocks and plants in the fish tank
- Sha qi and 7pointy roofs
- Where to put septic tank?
- Buying New House
- Junk Room In My House
- Is keeping family picture/portraits in bedroom bad
- Does Placing Rock Salt Help?
- Triangular Land
- About Windchimes
- Deities and display cabinets
- Growing of Cacti
- Poison arrow or Eight House Theory
- Position of Wall-mounted Fan
- Placement of Deities and Ancestor's tablet
- Bell as metal cure?
- Cure for clashes in elements between two people
- Water on both side of door spells danger
- Paper weight made of clear quartz crystal
- More than one water position
- What is a Pa Kua or Ba Gua Mirror?
- Fish tank without the cover
- Ying Yang calligraphy
- Advice On Flooring.
- Cloth line problem.
- Wind chime and rating of house
- Center of House
- NE/SW entrances
- Safe Box Question.
- Painted window
- Position of house
- Couple of questions
- Newbie needs advice on individual queries
- Correct way of placing fudogs
- Placement of Yin Yang symbol
- Height of fish tank
- Color of fish
- Is it bad to wear a yin yang symbol
- Concept of sound in feng sui
- Where to place the pig
- Wind chime and deflection of poison arrows
- Can an office desk be Feng Shui-ed?
- Office Fengshui and windows behind you
- Bedroom feng shui and placement of bed
- Bedroom feng shui and bed
- Checking the clouds in the sky
- Is it bad to keep dragons in South
- Wealth Corner?
- 8 house versus true element
- New Home and cleanse the Qi
- Fire Hydrant & Bedroom Door
- Purifiers n Cleansers???
- Children's sleeping position
- Swimming pool location under the house
- Concert and what type of abode
- Trying to find some famous people into FS
- Determination of actual bearing
- Main Entrance Location
- Bathroom Door and Bed
- Furniture arrangement in a dorm
- Taoist Feng Shui
- Help PLEAES - House number 24
- Eight House or Flying Star theory
- Unsuitable front door of condo
- Wind chimes and heavy storm
- New analysise of my house
- Purchase a lot that faces NW or more North
- Feng Shui at North corner of Home
- Confused, auspicious direction (kau vs 4 pillars)
- Pray bell from a Japanese Garden
- Weak metal and strong fire
- Jade - money solution?
- Very sick and very tired
- Activating the centre of the house
- A big difference between the Eight House
- Use of mirrors in the kitchen
- Bedroom under a toilet
- Can I use a mirror to reflect the bad Qi......
- Creek behind house
- Balancing Elements
- Conflict in the reports, help!
- 8association vs death line
- Rental vs owned house
- Crystal - water or earth element??
- 2-storey house and stairwell
- Shipping area in an office
- Swarovski show piece
- north west cut and central south cut
- Indecision and new to Feng Shui (Ginés Raja)
- Children corner and health corner
- New Home - house hunting
- looking for love & new apartment?
- Feng Shui Confused
- Water view in back
- Placement of Carved Ornamental Door
- Sleeping under a Ceiling fan
- Directly in front of the door is a coat closet
- coat closet in front of entrance door
- Bed Polarity - direction is best for a bed to face
- The Origin of Wind
- Love & Romance
- Room confusion - how to arrange my desk and bed
- Can I improve my bad FS house?
- front of the house
- Metal beds-draw away energy?
- bed direction once again
- Colors for my house?
- Shar Corners
- Wedding Photo
- Kau No advice.
- Toilet at the center of the house?
- Poison arrows at main door
- Several FS Questions
- Where to place 'God of Property' (Ti Chu Yia) ?
- numbers for home
- Indoor Plants
- Bathroom near front door?
- Picture of house with chimneys
- Wont Bromelaid plant create shar
- Repainting House
- Eight characters of twin brothers
- Does a new roof change the flying star chart
- Where to put photo's
- Semi-circular carpet cure
- Need help with House
- Feng shui for handbags??
- Relationship between girl and step father
- Mirror in the Bedroom
- Directions of a house
- How to sell my house quickly
- What to place at marriage/relationship corner
- Fishtank and its placement
- Info on Money Plant.
- Metal walls throw off my compass. How do I measure
- Placing a wind chime
- My house sits directly facing the North-East River
- About money plants
- Toad or frog at main entrance
- New User and learning about Feng Shui
- Conflicting areas for husband/wife
- Enclosed staircase in front of door
- What am I to do?????
- Fu Lu Shou Placing
- Condo with Dark Brown Front Door ...Help !!
- Bronze Dragon
- Print or photo for the south area of lounge room
- General feng shui advice
- Mirror in bedroom
- 6 coins and where can I hang it
- New member asking for help
- Insomnia in the bedroom
- Window above bed
- K.I.S.S.
- Help please!
- Moving house in August 2000
- Gargoyles, placed at the entrance
- Kua number to find auspicious direction
- Direction and orientation of entrance
- Meaning of Color in Feng Shui
- Would steam cleaning of ceilings change...
- Attaching house layout
- Enhancement of metal to destroy wood
- As owner of a business where should I sit?
- Coal fire facing north wall
- Two spiral staircases in my home
- Water fountain or Goldfish aquarium?
- L-shape house do I include the garage
- About the hungry ghost festival
- How to activate the Mountain Stars
- Unintentionally killing animals
- Good Preschool class Feng Shui
- Advice needed for Flying Star
- One more query about mountain star
- Qi Lin or Qi Lins?
- Solutions for toilet bowl placement
- Lilian Too
- Eight House Query
- Aquarium request from my children
- Building a house - house placement
- Sha Qi Facing Main Door
- House faces raod
- Fish pond, the no. of fishes and plants
- House Number and buying a house
- Bad Luck from new house
- Columns and Triangular Effect
- Bad toilet location at South East direction
- Flying Stars for period 7 : Double 7's
- Plants to stimulate wealth
- Decorate Hall - which colours best
- Curious about using Characters as part of decor
- Placement of a Luo Pan in an office
- Staying in a college apartment
- Mentor Corner at NW section of my house
- Hang a Christian cross at main entrance as cure
- Poison Arrows pointing at Main Door
- Red Bedroom
- Bed placement and opposing doors and windows
- New apartment and good/bad directions
- Home faces street
- Master Bedroom Color
- Water features/landscape & like to put one..
- Ba Gua Mirrors and the various opinions on it
- Window Facing Main Door.
- Main Entrance is Total Loss Direction
- Getting rid of bad fish tank
- Nephew sees ghosts downstairs at basement
- Harmonized ones home
- Bathrooms location
- What do i need to do to become a feng shui practic
- Toilet in the middle of apt....
- Tiger picture on door
- Selling a House
- Is it necessary to have a no. of gold fishes
- Pillars of destiny
- Dead end on high hill
- Bed Facing North and Little Space for the Phoenix?
- How to determine a poison arrow
- Law Suit and Feng Shui
- Bedroom enhancements to overcome insomnia
- Placement of 1 turtle in aquarium
- Correct Bagua Use
- Main Entrance Death
- Office Desk and Desk At Home
- Confusion about different schools of feng shui
- Using the right birth date
- Place a pond in my backyard
- Elevator and staircase in centre of flat
- Tiger and Snake compatibility
- Eight house versus True Element
- Pool in back of house
- Relationship corner
- Windchimes hang in the north/north west
- Where to purchase a Luo Pan
- Direction of mainentrance
- My front door is a Total Loss
- Re: Direction of main entrance
- Main entrance and sitting direction
- Pronunciations of words in different cultures
- Front Door Location vs Direction
- Black trim on roof
- Confusion with Feng Shui/Geomancy
- Housewarming gift?
- A graduate of BTB wrote this e-mail
- Auspicious Logo
- Kua number/Flying Star
- What color is best for a child's bedroom?
- I am facing my death direction
- Tabletop Water Falls
- Moving! Please Advice.
- I want to see if my home is feng shui proper
- Dead Front Yard Causing Grief?
- Water feature in the back of the house
- Red Dots On Walls
- Where is the best place for the fish tank
- Best place to hang flutes
- Desperately seeking on line personal consultation
- Best days to move in a new office this October
- Brass Chinese Characters and Holly Tree
- Looking for a feng shui web site designer?
- The Gardens at Bishan
- Poison Arrow and a huge cement block at porch
- Fiance's Immigration
- A visit of condolence
- Inward/Outward Door Opening
- Kitchen and master bathroom in wealth corner
- Favourable colors for a bedroom
- Northern vs. Southern Hemispheres (question)
- Totally Confused
- Kitchen - facing of stove & sink
- Need advise - previous owners divorced...
- Career & 5 elements
- Trees higher on right side of house
- Purging Negative Water & Replacing w/Some Fire
- Best Direction to place buddha statues
- Material of an Altar
- Seeking general Feng Shui comments on New Home
- Septic troubles
- Toilets located in SE direction.
- House faces west, front is facing west.
- Job & Element (smile)
- Snake Baby - is this child good for us
- What would be MY Element?
- Dilemma question - student's bedroom
- Dining Room in the NorthEast
- Compass Readings (question)
- Quick question about home placement
- Need more help on Balancing the Elements
- Auspicious symbols (question)
- Need assessment of house
- Bad Address of house
- Should I build a water feature?
- Placement of mirrors
- Rented new office for sales purposes (question)
- Period 6 house and address is 341
- Feeling anxious about home
- Bedroom Fengshui
- Master Bathroom in SW
- Fertility helper
- Laughing Buddha
- Personal natal number
- Which house direction is used for a married couple
- Protection from another person's thoughts
- Incompatible directions
- Street number is it good or bad
- Dead trees at front of house
- Good Luck Plant
- Stove direction inauspicious
- Eye Brow Joining (question)
- Activating romantic area in south west corner
- House not a square shape
- Renovations and period of a house
- Selling Car (question)
- Star No 7
- Main Door and side door
- Star no 8
- Water star versus main entrance
- Wall, sofa and curtain colours
- On 7 & 8 stars
- Personal Colors
- Water feature facing main door
- How to use a Bagua chart
- Attic Bedroom
- Sha qi and distance
- What color is best for a weak metal person
- Fish Tank at romance corner
- How to take compass readings
- Fish Pond in back yard
- Table Location
- Want to know more about the 4 Ghosts
- Wang shan wang shu
- Beautiful mandala picttures
- Stairs run into front door at the base
- Raditech Earth Neutraliser
- To design a house (question)
- Hillside Houses
- Water Dragons (question)
- Elemental profile & Pa-Kua direction contradiction
- Textured Paint job (question)
- Slanted Ceilings (question)
- Dragons facing backwards
- No Topic
- Toilet is next to the bed. (question)
- Birth Element of Weak Fire & Kua Number 6
- Raditech earth neutraliser
- Type of fence (question)
- Colors for visiting card
- Long Gone Prosperity
- Fu Lu Shou
- Does the Chinese Sword a metal element?
- Generally Good or Bad Direction for Houses
- visiting card colors
- pointed headboad
- Things not to be placed in a bedroom
- Improving Health
- Red Door (question)
- Numbers for me
- Problems with new home
- Bad locations
- Animals symbols in a bedroom?
- Business Element
- Haunted house
- Toilet pipe
- Big round mirror
- Help my 6 White Metal Element (question) !
- Black color
- Finding Gua (Kua) number
- Yin & Yang Numbers
- New house (question)
- Spa in the back
- South-west corner
- Period 5 question
- What is my Gua number
- Wind Chimes - hollow or solid rod
- Many plants in the home
- The black pillows
- Strong Water
- Is My Gua / Element Correct ? (question)
- FS Item Suggestions Require, please ? (question)
- (question)Bedroom layout
- Which door to use as main entrance
- Where to put the bed
- Centre Of House
- Good Flying Star Book
- Dating a house
- Help with bedroom/office?
- East/West Group (question)
- 8 house theory
- Direction of our new house (question)
- Ba-Gua vs. Compass Direction
- Willow tree
- Placement of the Bed
- How to interpet colors
- Bamboo in bedroom
- Poison arrows
- Mirrors and more on fs
- Scarely house (question)
- Picture of 6 horses
- Bookshelves at the bed
- Paint the front doors
- Placement of tables for support
- My Living Room Is A Mess!! Help!! (question)
- Metal siding door of trailer (question)
- Qualities of a good feng shui consultant
- Success in financial affairs?
- Plants in a bedroom
- I am a weak water person
- (question) Need a 2nd opinion ??
- Activating a Moutain Star
- Should I knock down wall? (question)
- Water bed is it bad
- Noise from neighbors (question)
- Bed facing bathroom
- Feng Shui For Child
- Fengshui & Color of Car (question)
- My Spook Line (smile)
- BaGua, how do I obtain one (question)
- Unmoveable Counter in Store
- BaGua - should it be blessed....
- Feng Shui for kids room
- Feng Shui for curing
- Paintings of a ship in Office
- Poison Arrows in My Work Office (redcross)
- fire and metal in the family section
- unbalanced room
- Fraction in street address (question)
- Chimes, etc.
- pillars in the Ngee Ann City
- Devil's Gate at NE
- Which main door to consider (question)
- Ten Deities (question)
- Weaing a coin
- Chimes, ceiling fan, etc.
- Toilet In NE (question)
- Bad Corner
- which is better chinese fenshui or indian vasthu
- Wall Hanging
- Death Line.
- home
- How to cure a sloping ceiling
- Toilet upstairs (question)
- Inside or Outside
- Need some advice (question)
- Peony painting
- Money Tree
- black bedroom furniture
- Willow tree directly in line with front door
- Help please with front door
- bedroom mirrors
- The Three Combinations
- Laundry in wealth
- WEalth Corner (question)
- Good feng shui house?
- Medals for military service
- a dumb question about heart as a love symbol
- Direction confusion
- House situation (question)
- Feng Shui of Websites?
- Help on positioning a new home? (question)
- pillar chart crucial element (smile)
- Auspicious Day (question)
- oven in line with entrance door
- Pig Male in Crisis
- Dui house w/ east entrance for east and west famil
- Centrepoint of a house
- (question)Are windchimes decorational objects?
- Grand Duke 2001
- (question)A beam or not a beam??
- Placement of mirror? (question)
- Doubts from a student (question)
- Is it bad to renovate, etc. in SW this year?
- (question)I Ching coins under mattress?
- (question)Am I being paranoid?
- Wooden windchimes outside bathroom/toilet?
- Journey direction & Grand Duke
- Gold pendant and Diamond ring (question)
- 12 year cycle of four pillars
- Newbie question on Feng Shui
- What is the second best option for floors
- Five Yellows (question)
- (question)I'm confused about 2 things.
- Don't know what to do?
- Placement of metal safe
- Fengshui-water element
- Five Yellow (question)
- (question)12 Earthly Branches
- Flying Star (question)
- (question)Exhaustive cycle and Destructive cycle
- Disturbing grand duke in West
- How to find element
- U-shaped house (question)
- Ammonites (question)
- About disturbing grand duke in West
- Doors with coffin shape designs
- Water Cure
- Conflicting areas
- Who's sector do we activate?
- losing employment ! (sad)
- Silk Plants
- Which element do i belong to?
- Property with cliff at the back...
- Positioning bed and colour of walls
- Please clarify breadwinner, etc.
- San He Water Theory
- Harmony with family members
- Please clarify term 'long gone prosperity
- Remedy for door at SW corner
- Kitchen and placement
- Main door at the side of the building...
- Smoke Duct
- East group people in West group house
- Bamboo in back and side yard
- bathroom fall into my seng chi place
- Front Door faces west
- Two doors in a row (question)
- Beloved tree is poison arrow (question)
- Main Door - Direction Vs Location (question)
- Type of investments....
- 1958: Wood dog or Earth dog?
- foot of bed facing bathroom door
- Plants and Wood
- Should reception desk face the front door?
- Do money plants take away luck ?
- how to use existing furniture in small apartments?
- Is house number 14 bad for a new house? Help me!
- What exercise this house belongs? (question)
- Wealth corner of House has fireplace (question)
- Bathroom door across from bedroom door, HELP!
- Help! My East areas both have television
- North facing front door
- help, I'm a little confused as to what to do
- Brick facade on building/house
- Golden Lion
- right arrangement to my new flat
- my bedroom door is facing the entrance door
- My office layout
- color for wall on indented areas...
- Health (question)
- Colour for concentration, knowledge and wealth
- Qing Ming- Ancestral grave
- Feng Shui and Karma (feedback)
- Water in the Bedroom
- Toilet in the centre
- Main door faces 'Total Loss' direction (question)
- Front door opens to steps leading into house
- Feng Shui shop in Portugal (question)
- North facing apartment entrance
- Confused duplex-turned-into-apartments
- If Two Doors into room , what's what (question)
- Toilet in the center (more)
- Office Accommodation
- aquarium with n.e. main door?
- Color for fame area
- Bagua Direction, House vs Room
- Xuan Kong Feng Shui
- Toilet door is front of the main door.
- Request to fill up Feng Shui survey
- lower level than the street (question)
- Ancestor's Tablet
- Poison Arrow aimed at home
- Weak water, aquarium
- School grades
- Storm knocked down 2 trees.....
- Color in n.e. master bedroom
- moving of residence
- Activating mountain star
- Wood in NW (question)
- Who do we use as the breadwinner
- Mobile Home (Long) (redcross)
- Wealth Area
- How to use cures?
- Refrigerator at wealth/marrige sector
- Property lower than the road level (question)
- Difficulty Studying
- Unlucky Color
- locating front door direction
- two miscarriages (sad)
- Bad Flying stars
- Confused
- Buying a new house
- Rubber Tree (question)
- Fish container
- New paint for home
- About Flower Prints sheets&comforter in bedroom.
- home disasters always involve water
- Period 6 or 7 House?
- kichen sink is located in the middle of the house.
- more question about yellow color in 2001
- bedroom difficulty in sleeping
- Business Element
- Water at center of the house
- Apartment bedroom layout (question)
- How to tilt front door (question)
- Yellow Comforter in bedroom
- bamboo in the north of the house.
- What is the #2 or #5 ?
- One more question about #2,#5in bedroom.
- Question on flying star fengshui (house layout)
- Opposing Kua Numbers (feedback)
- Apartment/Condo Living
- Condo/Apartment Building
- Thank-You / house hunting....
- How important are sleeping positions (question)
- Plants for an Earth Rooster
- How to increase romance (question)
- House address 123
- Eight house prosperity direction
- Bed above stove
- Color for bedroom
- Bathroom in Wealth Corner
- Children's room (question)
- Main Door Facing West (question)
- Office - Inflow of money not good and sales
- South-east facing front door (idea)
- plants in the bedroom? (question)
- Front door with tree and lampost opposite it
- Placement of bookshelf in Fame section (feedback)
- Contract on house
- Fish tank and its placement
- Career Prospects
- Home Cleansing (question)
- favorable sleeping positions to get pregnant
- Window shutters for the home
- Bathroom Allignment
- My studio flat and romance (question)
- quan yin and buddha placements
- Master Bedroom over garage.
- Bed Position and Main Door
- Bathroom in Wealth remedies
- knives/watches and not so good luck (question)
- Square mirror opposite front door
- Bookshelf Placement
- flying star chart of a house
- concrete ceiling beam over sofa - cure?
- main door when you have 2 entrances
- North Bedroom with walls painted a 'periwinkle'
- Opened display shelves
- Where to find FS objects
- Re: flying star chart of a house
- Death entrances
- New Business in Exhibition Halls
- house exterior color
- sw corner and crystals
- altar placement
- extending Master BR over to garage area
- Houseboat Feng Shui
- Remedies for Death position
- Water features
- couch and sliding-glass door
- What is a flat number
- Remedy for Bedroom
- 2 storey house and enhacements
- flying star or 8 mansions (idea)
- Land shape - wide in front, narrow at back;ok?
- Difference between Eight House and Ba Zi
- 4 Animal Theory/Site Evaluation (question)
- The staircase location (question)
- L-Shaped home, how to lay pah kwa
- Bees nest at home (question)
- Position of the house
- Location of Bed
- Placement of fish tank
- Strong Wood (question)
- Bed Position /Toilet (question)
- Flowering plants & trees
- need help with child's bedroom
- Auspicious Site of a condominium?
- Renovation of house and placement of stairs
- Feng Shui for the rest of us!
- Need advice for fish ponds and arrangement in room
- dining room/office
- front door faces back sliding glass door
- flowers in Bedroon
- Design of visiting cards
- Position of Bed
- love corner and crystals
- open space in middle of house
- Lifeless, live from week to week.
- Of Destiny/ManKind Luck./Feng Shui Luck
- What direction is my house?
- The use of 6 coins
- Auspicious dates in June
- How to conscreat Kuan Ti Statue
- Wierd Apartment Design (question)
- Selling Home (question)
- A week of disasters!
- Question about KUA numbers (question)
- Directions for Apartments
- Main door for shops
- Dragon dan turtle hills
- Bad business
- Eight Aspirations and Eight House
- Directions of a house
- couples sleeping in the same bed.
- Feng Shui symbols
- shoes facing front door
- Toliet & bathroom position
- Oh no! Bad stairs!
- Move-in Date
- Use of compass (question)
- Apartment on the second floor
- Move in Date
- Flowers in the bedroom (question)
- Sleeping direction (question)
- sloping ceiling towards the bed
- Office Table
- Feng Shui For Opposites? (feedback)
- Bed location in the worst position
- House Address - 13 ?(agree)
- Facing Doors in the home (question)
- Opposing Bed direction for Man & Wife!
- sitting and facing of an apartment unit
- Pond in back
- House direction & Front door (question)
- Hanging Window Chrystals (question)
- Set of Chinese old coins - metal cures (question)
- Missing part of House
- Loft bed is it bad?
- Business: water fountain in facial room
- Toilet door opposite main door
- Crystal in the bathroom
- Choosing the birth date and time for our new born
- Your method
- Toilet at SE and attached to master suite
- Instead of coins (question)
- Romance problems & confusion on colour
- Work Position
- Romance & bedroom (feedback)
- Opposite Partner-Help!
- Advice on getting on
- Where to Hang Windchime?
- Bedroom walls - water heater/electric box
- Selling house and bathroom to daughter's room posi
- Hang metal windcrime
- Complete Opposites!!!
- Cooker confronting with water tank
- House Numbers
- Desk placement in an alcove in the bedroom
- Windchime placement at negative space
- In which direction should the bed be placed
- Strong Earth Element vs Weak Earth Element
- T junction at back of house
- Storage Under Bed
- Appropriate position of pooja ghar
- Missing areas in home
- Buying Ba Gua Mirrors
- House Floor Plan
- Bedroom on the NE corner. (question)
- Suitable Main Door Direction
- Sloping or slanted ceiling (question)
- Help for applying Bagua on the Floor plan
- Selling of the house
- Rebellious teenager's bedroom
- Pa Kua Mirror
- Is this theory valid?
- Interesting photos on the 7th month festival
- Suitable Main Door Direction
- Poison arrows in my bedroom
- Love & health
- A Tattoo (question)
- Horizontal passage in front of main door
- Window behind My Back
- Full length Mirror in bedroom
- main bedroom at devil's gate
- Home Address
- My QUA NUMBER (question)
- Skylight in the center of the house
- Love/Committment (question)
- Feng Shui Ruler (question)
- Toilets in prosperity sector
- I am still waiting for my turn (question)
- This pond is not where it should be
- Pa Kua/ Cardinal Directions (question)
- Problems with my car (question)
- Good year to renovate my kitchen? (question)
- finding center for apartment?
- Moving into a new house
- Water in the Bedroom
- How does my Star sign effect me.
- Power lines form a poison arrow
- My office (question)
- Bed Under a Window (question)
- Actual Direction of the Main Door
- Office Main Entrance/Reception
- Possibly Missing Wealth, not sure
- For Fun: A love test
- For Fun: Some behaviour... and you
- Bedroom Direction
- Luo Pan
- Front Door - compass facing door or out?
- triangular lot
- Bathroom/Main Door
- Inauspicious house
- enhancements (question)
- My bedroom
- 10x50 trailer
- Bar Area in Front of Staircase (question)
- Size of Bedroom
- Location of Bed and Study Table
- High Floor Room
- mirror opposite bed
- How to use Ba Gua Map with compass directions
- KUA 9/Front door in NW (sad)
- Phone number
- Centre of The House
- bathroom in the west side
- bedroom in death area
- L shaped hallway
- mirrors in the kitchen (feedback)
- spiral staircase (question)
- Where to put a waterfall (feedback)
- viewing of new flat during 7 month (ghost festival
- Millionaire's Corner (question)
- spiral staircase
- Red Carpet
- Bamboo curse??? (question)
- In this house almost 2 years
- Can't figure out the centre of house (question)
- Bad Chi (sad)
- Crystals
- The Whole Problem (question)
- Family and the Eight House
- Compass Direction
- Ceiling lights
- bedroom location
- Water Fountain / Relationship
- This or That ?
- I Ching Knowledge
- Doorways bad in relationships? (question)
- General Color Scheme (smile)
- Feng Shui for Office (feedback)
- What to Do ?
- What to Do?
- Motor Home FS (question)
- Right Selection of Rooms
- directions confuse me (question)
- bedroom above a toilet/laundry area
- breadwinner living in another country?
- bathroom in 4 (wind), any suggestions?
- new rental house confusion (question)
- division of site
- Have some questions about my LIFE!!
- Storage under master bed: need it, but cant sleep
- Open book cases/ Shelves- how to counter arrows
- house overlooking the ocean
- Mirror/Main Entrance
- Tragedy of the Twin Towers of World Trade Centre
- Bad Office Direction (question)
- House Direction (question)
- House Number
- Mirrors in Bedroom
- confusion.. (question)
- House Direction in 100 year old loft
- Two topics! Lava & Mirrors!
- Finding auspicious date (question)
- Sitting under aircon
- Opposites
- Financial Difficulty (sad)
- attracting money
- House Period (smile)
- Mirrors, Mirrors, and more Mirrors (question)
- Toilet Door and Toilet Bowl (redcross)
- front door in wrong direction....
- Where to keep Your Garbage Bin
- Attracting wealth .. 49 days?(question)
- Locating 'true' main entrance to house
- Locating 'Main' entrance door to home
- Relationship Area
- Placement Of Ba-gua
- Mirror position
- Actual directions linked with the interior walls
- What is considered major renovation? (question)
- Sleeping correct side (angry)
- Husband and wife (disagree)
- big poison arrow outside my window (redcross)
- Application of Eight House Chart (question)
- Bad Direction/5 yellow (question)
- Differnt Kua numbers of wife and self
- directing chi energy
- Forms & Shapes
- Grand duke and other questions
- Octagonal Window
- Which door is my front door?
- House Direction
- Photos above fireplace (question)
- Fish Tank Location (smile)
- Period 7 and 772 Street Address (question)
- Mirror, Mirron on the Wall . . . (question)
- Prosperity Section (question)
- 1 room flat and Feng Shui (question)
- Shoe rack & colours
- Color of front door? (question)
- Office space
- Arrangement for bed
- what about the other styles of fs?
- Culdesac location of house (question)
- Auspicious Elements [big/small] (question)
- Rebuilding the house
- Sink, Stove, Refrigerator (question)
- Front Door at 210 Degrees (question)
- Mirror Facing a Mirror ?
- Kitchen in the Prosperity Area
- lamp post
- lighting installation goes weary (sad)
- Toilets at Sheng Chi and protruding corner
- Gateway sector
- Effects of move of aqurium (question)
- Black Ceiling Fan in Master Bedroom (question)
- Good Luck & Bad Luck Sectors of my house
- Direction of Door
- Gun cabinet (question)
- Animal Graves on Property (question)
- Location for Fish Tank (smile)
- advice on existing entrance -maindoor and bedrooms
- Where should I place a table rock fountain
- sexagenary numbers (question)
- New User Advice on compass directions etc
- New House
- Meaning of each direction ..
- Book Recommendations
- Yearly Flying Star (smile)
- fish tank
- birth element (question)
- another aquarium question
- Activating North Sector
- Windchimes
- East and West
- Dome Shape Studio (feedback)
- Form Feng Shui
- Can fish tank place beside Deity Statue?
- Aquarium - rearing of fishes (question)
- (question)where to place chime and fish tank
- Calculation Of Natal Number
- Decorating Childrens' Bedrooms (feedback)
- Help, My House is Killing My Life!!!
- Bed Positioned against fireplace wall (agree)
- Spiky garden fence
- Mirrror in the bedroom
- Conflicting directions??
- Which is the 'main entrance' to a home???
- Gua number
- Stairs and Front door
- House at the end of a private street
- Inconsistent 8 characters
- Garden questions
- Year 2002 and Grand Duke
- Difference between Annual number 7 Natal Number
- Entrance door and family's Gua numbers
- Placement of legal documents
- Ba Gua mirror
- Best color for senior citizens center
- Court case - where to leave paper/documents
- Unsuitable Sector in My Hse
- Use of windchime
- Another question about facing direction
- Personal fengshui information
- Staircases that face bedrooms and/or beds
- eight directions best for one worst for the other
- Shared bedroom/office/livingroom
- Bookshelves facing children's bed
- choosing auspicious date for marriage
- house analysis and career and fortune improvement
- government papers.
- element of profession
- Questions on the bed
- How to feel better in my apartment
- Questions on Feng Shui
- 3 Killings in East
- Using the back door instead?
- Choosing of auspicious date for marraige
- western fs vs. chinese fs
- Buying a new house
- How do I use the bagua in a 2 story house
- Question Courtyard in Center of House
- House luck
- Birth Issues
- House Hunting
- hai su sculpture
- When to Place Bagua Mirror
- Auspicious directions
- placement of mirrors
- Main door facing the lift
- Mirror at dining room
- The Chinese Compass Points
- Help on placement of home office
- The use of Wood Windchime
- A lot which slopes down from the roadway
- SW facing apartment
- Main door facing rubbish chute
- The purpose of hanging windchimes
- Refrigerator and stove in the kitchen
- Metal spiral Staircase
- Compass direction of main door
- Question on 8 Aspiration/House Report
- What is activate? How do I activate.
- rear of the Fire Department is right opposite
- Bedroom above the kitchen
- How to Chart a Mobile Home with small additions
- Flying Feng Shui
- Kitchen & Toilets at NE
- Main Entrance
- Grand duke question
- Propersity sector in the house
- Rearing Arowana fish
- Sha Qi
- Windchime
- Windchimes
- Grand Duke in the South
- Centre and Direction of House
- Placement of Refrigerator
- Mirror opposite to a bedroom door
- House and Main Door Facing Directions
- Kua Number
- Main door size of a hotel
- Bedroom of a rented house
- Highway behind house
- Wanted: 6 Rod Brass Wind Chimes
- Main door or side door?
- Building at the end of a deadend street..
- Advice on using inherited coins.
- Directions for a home
- L-shaped apartment
- Silver Wish Box
- Relationship corner
- Renting One Room
- Several Questions
- House direction of different Kua nos.
- Flying star - bad and good directions
- How to improve relationship luck
- Centre & Direction of house
- Bedroom arangement
- Feng Shui for an apartment
- Highway behind the business building
- Metallic Speakers
- placement of fishtank
- Should an extension be included
- Placing the bed
- Front door facing the 'mishap' direction
- Grave Site
- new vehicle color?
- L-shaped room
- bedroom and sleeping location
- Vacant Houses
- Solar or Lunar Year?
- The secret Wealth Sector Revealed!
- Sleeping Location
- Which is the main entrance and locate its directio
- Legal Problem
- Chinese Astrology: Choosing Business Partners
- Rattle snake figurine for use in Feng Shui
- Cures for Bedroom Over Garage?
- East/west Vs Flying star
- I have two rooms in one gua, what do I do?
- My new house fengshui
- Direction Enhance
- Conflicting information...
- Cure for home
- Feng Shui On-site Audit
- My house - I want to find out more about FS
- Colour of the main door
- 8 aspirations & west group persons
- Should an extension be included
- A red fridge
- Need Clarifications Urgent
- Stairs from outside, leading down to main door
- Main door, toilet, staircase, master bedroom
- Can Bad Luck Be Passed ON?
- Orientation of my New Flat : Guidance Needed
- Doors Facing Toilets
- Prosperity sector in Kitchen
- Advise to find the prosperity of house
- Advice regarding positioning of bed and exterior
- Wher to place family moneybox
- Improve on Love Life
- Bedroom layout - where to place bed
- Feng Shui: How to Calculate a Lucky Number?
- new car number
- Which room is suitable for office use?
- Orientation of Apartments
- Green Dragon Painting
- Sharing a happy home
- Confusion about Pillar of Destiny Report
- Garage in the ground floor
- future - find the right house
- Bedroom and bathroom door
- Dragon Water fountain
- Sharp corners in bedroom
- Binding Elements
- Birthdate falls on Chinese New Year
- Basement Layout
- Red Color South facing door
- Renting a house on flat ground
- effects of glass walls
- Growing plants
- Boost my career
- Kua Number
- 2nd. Baby
- the door of my apartment is in my death area
- cure for ceiling fans
- Chinese lantern
- Activating my career corner.
- Positio of the Fish Tank
- Moving Direction
- what color to paint my shop's wall?
- Cure for evil neighbors/common wall
- cure for 3,2,5,5
- centrepoint of my house
- direction of the house
- colours hall entrance fire house
- learn more about FS
- Wood Windchimes for South East Sector
- Enhancing SE sector for Yr 2002
- install security for 'south'window during granduke
- direction of bedroom?
- Help! Interview a Feng Shui expert =20% of grade
- ditch /creek flows in backyard
- period of a house
- happy and prosperous future
- Marriage Compatiblity
- Roman Catholic
- change of colour of fish
- Ceiling Beam dividing marital bed
- Improve house
- How To Improve Romance Luck
- paint white
- auspicious date
- Significance of dream
- Skylight in Center of House
- shapes&forms
- Live, Luck & Feng Shui
- Feng Shui: at the office
- Post Slicing my Front Door
- Ba Gua and compass reading
- Fireplace in NW
- Oil Painting depicting a tiger
- main door between 2 subsections
- Main Door reading
- Wealth & Prosperity area
- what type of bagua mirror to fight poison arrow?
- Floor patterns in Kitchen
- what mirror for staircase in center of house?
- Neighbor across the street is a large solid wall..
- Water and Earth element
- Main Door?
- Doors facing stairs
- How do you hang crystals?
- waterfall above main door.
- New House
- Question about working with the 5 yellow star.
- Personal Queries (question)
- Choosing a lot for new house
- Master bedroom door position
- General queries
- Good Chi-have hard time going to work
- New house with hills behind
- 2 relationships already terminated in this house
- Good luck corner (NW) is washroom and storage..
- Garage location? left or right
- New House Lot - Offset Lot
- Compatible Element to Weak Earth
- Is it bad to have a tree in front of main door?
- Position of stove
- Where to hang Goldfish Picture?
- Year of the Horse
- Money Problem
- Inauspicious house
- financial problem
- Moving into new home--need urgent advice...
- opposite directions for us in 8-house theory
- Enquiry on having a divider
- bedroom position very inauspicious
- power poles and telephone poles
- House in a basin
- auspicious direction & numbers
- Having a circle loop outside of living area
- Rat, but on which day?
- stress related to your home
- Townhouse Question
- Land Position
- My house and my directions
- worries about house number
- terrible doubts
- bedroom doors facing each other
- Staircase position
- View blocked by trees
- 9 symbolic fish
- Northwest corner is a bathroom!
- Down Under Feng Shui
- Bedroom Doors Facing Each Other & More
- odd question about pets and Feng Shui
- Room and Personal Direction Conflict
- huge financial problem but understand no quick fix
- home being to yin
- replacing the main door
- Life in Crisis
- How to Feng Shui a Corner House?
- reflection!
- Windchime good or bad
- second floor toilet straight over main entrance
- main entrance facing archiological site
- House Number
- wind chimes
- House facing wrong direction
- Sitting Position in Office
- Bedroom Doors Facing each other & more
- Moving to new office with FS in mind
- Kitchen Door
- My Daughter's bedroom in the east
- House below road level
- bagua mirror
- negative neighbors
- White Tiger: Good or Bad?
- Dear Master Cecil, water in rented condo problems
- strong water vs. weak fire
- Can fire and water neutralise earth/water clash?
- ashes urn
- Front Door
- Not sure about our new fish tank
- Want to learn more about FS
- purchasing a home
- Sitting Position
- Doors facing each other and Peacock feather
- Purchasing a Home
- Death sector at main door
- Studying Feng Shui
- 2 Main Doors facing each other
- Front Door
- Water fountain
- choosing profession
- Front door in between SE and S sector
- questions about stars 2 and 5, element balancing
- Bedroom over garage
- Previous Owner
- fans aircondotioners
- Bedroom next to neighbour's toilet
- Master bedroom fengshui
- Bedroom Window faces opposite flats toilet window
- Several Fengshui questions
- The Feng Shui Ruler
- front door faces north
- Any ritual for stepping into a bare new house
- Bagua
- Beam in Master Bedroom
- Basement apartment with two entrance doors
- Poison arrow/Tree in front of main door
- Bedrooms and sleeping positions
- Centre of Apartment
- Wind blowing to Flat
- Compass Reading
- year of a house
- powder room off kitchen
- Office desk position - 3 glass walls
- Bathroom in Children area - cure needed
- Bed Location
- Dining room mirrors and Main Doors
- Square pillars in front of house
- East House, West House
- Bed Location
- Sitting Position (Back against Windows)
- Unsuitable House direction
- Southern hemisphere dilema
- Cure for unfavourable bedroom location
- Underground Wirings
- Getting married
- East bedroom
- Sleeping Position
- Kitchen stove and fridge
- missing SE sector
- missing south
- travel luck
- Finding the location of 'Wealth Star
- Best Aquariam Location
- feng shui problems
- bedroom cures
- Black Hat Feng Shui
- wasps and neiborhood cats
- The `triangle effect
- elements of appliances
- Sector Feng Shui Practiced in US
- Best home office location
- 49 nights
- Urgent Help Needed
- Power or Wealth
- earth colors
- House Entrance Determination
- Thanks : Urgent help needed
- North will be South
- sleeping position
- Main Door is in the Death sector
- Fengshui tips about living in the Basement
- lion's head made out of jute hanging oppfront door
- Location of Main Door
- Comments on House Plan
- facing a cul de sac
- bed and sleeping position
- lucky bamboo
- The road leading to a cul de sac
- Several questions
- Toilet at the north section - career section
- more than 3 women in a home.
- Thanks : Urgent help needed
- Confused by FS practitioner
- Mirror reflecting stairs
- Direction of cooking
- Is this the correct way to grid an L shaped house?
- Happy Budda
- bed facing the bedroom door
- burying dead pets
- Beams?
- Our positions are completely opposite
- 5 or 6 hollow rod wind chime
- Enhance Using Windchime
- Bedroom door facing stair cases
- Main Door/ Back Door
- marriage sector
- SE, S and 747 cobmination worries
- bird nest at main entrance
- New and confused
- Front Door/Back Door 2
- Moving of main door
- Position of Fountain
- Earth Strength
- Best location - Noise
- placement of altar
- Shape of House
- House facing NW
- brown belongs to earth or wood
- confused with using fire to enhance water
- Bed with 4 Bedposts
- Ba gua placement
- Doors face each other
- river behind
- Direction of house - confused
- House curve to a cul de sac
- crack in PVC door
- Front garden
- North frontage
- My Feng Shui doubts
- toilet seats
- career enhancement
- Candle placement
- Bed Placement
- Feng Shui placement of water fountain
- Fish tank facing bedroom
- placing dragon deco
- Mirror in Kitchen
- 6 Coin House Cure
- White Tiger Green Dragon of Hsüan-k'ung
- Wall protusion and poison arrows
- Urn at frontage of house
- Bedroom in NE for Eastern Types
- Ceremic tile that looks like parquet wood or earth
- Master Bedroom
- Must the 6 coins be tied together?
- Own Boss or Work for others?
- Moving to south east direction in 2003
- Water Dragon Fengshui
- fire station effect
- fire station map
- What is a dreamcatcher? Where is it placed
- Merchandise
- quantum leap & calender used
- confused about direction( house)
- Love Birds, Breadwinner & Narrow lot
- L shape (Barbara Bernád)
- Laughing Buddha with kids
- fire station again
- Tong Su
- Change main door to north east
- sleeping positions
- French door problems
- sleeping position part2
- Cornering of cornice consider posion arrow?
- Flying Chart
- Large hole for pond
- picture of waterfall
- Pillar and Stagnant Career
- Live in parent's basement good feng shui?
- Career question
- Best sleeping direction for opposite husband & wif
- Dragonhead Turtle for health
- I'm new, need help, family pictures
- House Shape
- Eight house direction conflict
- My bedroom is in 3 negative areas!!!
- Run of 'bad luck'!!
- family room above a garage
- Door and bed conflict.
- House for West and East couple
- family room above garage
- Gourd in South facing glass door and windows
- Main door opposite kitchen
- moving house-urgent
- seal of saturn
- element of next year
- where to sleep
- Which has more effect Home/Office ?
- Missing corner in SE
- Lawsuit and gossip
- Missing Money Corner
- Open Cubicle
- Marriage Possibility
- Wealth element
- Toilets cure
- House or room bagua?
- outside siding
- Windchime with Red Lantern
- Moving new house during 7 month
- New house
- Silver necklace
- Feng Shui on house
- Movin new house before the 7 month
- Confusion
- east and west group relationship
- ruling element
- staircase
- master bedroom location
- Number of Rods on Wind chimes
- Sleepless nites
- Toilet in South West of bedroom
- sleeping direction
- Main door facing the stairs
- How to do a feng shui analysis
- Prevailing element
- Selling Cutlery/ Kitchen Knives
- roof and other questions
- Placement of Money Frog in the house
- Office Room
- Bedroom & Front Door director
- Color of Dining Room Walls
- wrought iron gate
- mountain star activation
- Elements
- Marriage
- Bottle Gourd
- bottle gourd
- Clearing bad energies from previous tenants
- Dragon
- Leaks
- Something wrong with house
- various questions
- Swords collection
- Toalet in career sector
- Direction or Sector
- toilet door opposite master bedroom door
- Location of New Home
- Direction of the Main Door
- Types of Pendulum
- Protusion at South-East sector
- Bagua map for a split level house
- Activating the Mountain star at upper levels
- feng shui cures
- Birth chart
- Main Door
- prosperity item inquiry
- House Direction
- Directions v/s Date of Birth+Directions
- 8-house sectors
- more questions from a beginner
- Neighour's Roof
- Area around an airport, good or bad?
- Business Startup
- Bad Luck receiving payments from clients?
- Increase Luck and Success
- Career
- Poor Eye
- Aloe Vera Vs Cactus
- Day Master
- Toliet in new apartment
- New project (construction) infront of my main door
- Front door color
- Screen/Divider/Partition
- Air-con Office
- Crystal cave
- Placement of Objects
- Main door & trees
- Land configuration
- Opposites
- some fengshui problem
- Tattoo of a yin-yang symbol
- stove facing direction
- bed under a beam
- dining room near main door
- New Arrangements
- Second Case Study: House with bad Feng Shui
- rounding up for the personal number
- water fountain at the back of desk
- where do i put the 3 coins to maximize its effect?
- Stairs(partial)facing main door
- Stove facing toilet door
- What is he lack of ?
- Cure for propersity area - water drying up
- Do not know that to do
- Where to take compass reading
- Correct Placement of Fu Dogs
- fish Tank in Bedroom?
- Installing a lamp post?
- Central Staircase
- Installing a lamp post? 2nd question
- what direction should my new house be?
- Sloping Condo
- Color of Roof
- Positioning kitchen stove
- doubts about colouors and stars
- If painting has too many birds
- Company logo
- death line flowing the main door
- is this house bad fengshui?
- My apartment has too much White Tiger
- bed room in death sector
- How to remedy 'Sha' qi ?
- Is there a chance?
- six coins
- Help - Direction of Sliding Gate
- Balconies
- Feng Shui advice for new house
- Determine house border lines for Bagua Map
- What element? Medicine
- Pie chart
- Main door facing the kitchen door
- Main Door Interior faces Kitchen Door
- Missing area in apartment- Career Gua!!! help!!!
- bed location
- Life Aspiration Report
- strong water vs. strong water
- wind chimes
- Toilet door close to the Main door, in the Foyer.
- Main door facing neighbour's main door
- Number of Fishes
- Main door facing long corridor,etc
- North wall in bed rooom is one mirror.
- bed room in death sector
- Water feature on North sector
- Applied FS course
- Apartment with black coloured tiles
- Cure for the destructive 6 and 7 combination
- Water problems in existing home
- auspicious date for moving house
- Toilet in SW sector of house
- In auspicious Master Bedroom
- House Shape & Stairs
- My last journey
- Chinese Coins
- Working desk facing
- office feng shui
- apartment door or building door?
- Direction of stove
- Two doors clashing
- auspicious measurements - URGENT PLS
- KUA number (Julianna Kádár)
- carpet for son's bedroom
- Room or Home?
- Store Room at Excellent sector (Eight House)
- laundy room above master bedroom
- Mirror in Living Hall
- What will be the best color to paint my front door
- Location for Home Fountain or Fish Tank
- Is it consider sha qi?
- Chapter 10 Choice of Site
- Regarding 6-coins in a jar of salt water
- Chapter 10 Choice of Site
- Charms: best protection charms
- inauspicious stairs
- Can stove be placed at a sector with Facing Star 8
- Front Door faces a staircase
- Bedroom below bathroom
- sharp pointed pillar pointing main door
- Location for religious altars (Guan Yin)
- Unit Number In High Rise
- Applying the template to floor plan
- Savannah Condo Park
- weak or strong/cures
- water tank above the wealth
- Back facing the door
- year 2003 feng shui advice needed
- Romance Luck
- Mirror in bathroom facing door
- auspicous moving in date
- Auspicious Dates depends on Ba Zi or KUA NO or ???
- Distrubing 'Grand Duke' and 'Three Killings'
- About placing Coins and bells in the main door
- Auspicious Main Door and Auspicious Directions
- Our main door facing our neighbor's garage doors
- Hunting for Apt.
- Dahlia Park Condo
- stairs going to the basement
- Townhouse feng shui
- Alarmed...death direction
- Main door facing neighbor's triangle roof line
- House Number - 220
- Entrapped apartment
- Aloe Vera Plant
- Devil's Gate & Back Door
- Townhouse feng shui
- Staying in the wrong sectors - Death and Spook
- Wealth Sector
- Work facing spook position vs back to window
- Office Sitting position
- bedroom placement
- n and s bedrooms
- Auspicous Measurement
- Who should take auspicious bedroom?
- Interview should be successfull
- lawsuites problems
- Lucky Day
- Unemployment And The Feng Shui Of My House
- 12 animal signs
- Auspicious Dates
- Fu Lu Shou placement
- What is my lucky element?
- Year 2003 Feng Shui
- Auspicious Number Plate
- Conversion to period '8' house, for a floor only.
- Lucky Dates
- marriage year
- Does flying star for house change every year?
- Preventing loss of wealth
- Windchimes-Hanging Location Point / etc
- Are stray cats bad luck?
- Five Yellow Star
- Possible Delay in replies for Advices in Jan 03
- Fish tank location
- bed placement in irregular room
- opposite directions
- chinese new year
- auspicious measurements
- taking the board exam for nursing
- can pass the test
- Application for job
- Object Behind Door in Helpful Area
- Room Placement
- flying star for business esp southeast sector
- water feature
- Activating the fame sector of home office
- Creativity/Chidren sector in bathroom
- Measurements
- Ho To' Diagram? / 'Ho To' Numbers?
- Blasting out fire cracker noise through CD / Tape
- will it tell the future
- feng shui cures for litigation
- Bed Placement Limited to Spook/Irritation...
- House number for single houses?
- Why is it hard to find FS products?
- Bottle Gourd – Ideal Size???
- My house placement
- Need help understanding
- Slope At The Side Of My House
- Negative energy
- Check this file for pic
- How To Find Wealth Spot
- Special Flying Star Feng Shui Charts?
- Special FS Charts-Clarifications.
- Placement of wind chime
- How To Enhance Positive Energy Of A Big House
- Fortune Telling/Ba Zi - Favorable Element Balance
- bamboo plants
- Wealth Flows To My Neighbors Along The Slope?
- Flying Star vs Eight house theories
- Where Do I Find The Flying Star Theory
- landscape across front door
- Type of Element
- Negative energies in house?
- Hall at top of entry stairs
- Period 6 or period 7?
- Does The White Color Matter?
- The Function Of Crystals
- are 6-coins needed in these areas?
- 12 animals sign
- Loss Of Job and The Feng Shui Of My House
- Good lenth of Desk
- North In the Year Of Goat
- Brick high rise
- Protusions of bay windows
- Which kua am I?
- reviewing my self-analysis
- True direction of your house facing
- Flying star cure
- Slanted ceiling in bedroom and bamboo flutes
- Re: Negative energies in house?
- water fountain
- The Center Of My House
- Leakage Of 'Qi
- Desk placement in new office
- toilet door facing directly bedroom door
- Water Fountain in front of the main entrance
- Where Is The Grand Duke In 2002 (The Year Of Horse
- Is The Direction Of My House In The Disaster Zone?
- Uncle died and was cremated recently
- Centre of the House and Rooms
- The correct period for flying stars
- Best house location
- Center Pillar And The Center Of The House
- I feel hopeless
- Is it okay to hang a dragon poster this year?
- A Tree In Front Of My Main Entrance
- Eight Metal Rod Wind Chime
- How do I analyze shopping center?
- My Neighbor's Trash Can
- Arguments when decorating my home
- How do I determine when the correct period of a ho
- Front Door Is Centered In the Middle
- Direction Of My House
- Direction Of My House
- The Back Of Houses
- Feng Shui In Ancient Time And Present
- Eight House vs Flying Star
- Each Side of house & office
- Fish bowl in bed room
- Master Cecil, Happy New Year!
- Death Direction and West Main door
- Is NE Good For Hanging A Wind Chime?
- Influence of Rivers
- Black Hat Sect - Your input
- feng shui for cars?
- Gem Tree
- Office Door is 2 degrees in my Chuch Ming area
- What Are The Functions Of Wind Chimes
- Worst direction
- 6-coin cure for kitchen/bedroom below toilet?
- house #91 house period 1998-2003
- Which is considered the Main Door & help?
- Canal and main door
- help... my husband & I cannot save money
- Broken Dragon Headed Tortoise / Peacock feathers
- Buying a house
- Need explaination
- Strong vs. Weak
- Buying new house & other qts.
- 3-hollow rod windchime meaning?
- Auspicious dates in Mar 2003 to get married
- Re: Flying Star etc.
- Hang It In The North East
- Flying Star Period
- The Function Of Ba Gua
- Formula for safe toilet location
- Ba Gua Mirror
- Is There A Cure For The Toilet Location Problem?
- 6-coins vs. strong water
- What Is The Correct Design Of A Ba Gua?
- fixing a leak
- Colour to Paint
- eight house and feng shui element
- Cure for bad feng shui ?
- Kua Element & Four Pillar Self Element
- one ba gua too many
- Auspicious Dates
- 5 Elements
- Tiger & Monkey Bussiness Venture
- Main Door Facing
- Water Well location
- Water pipes
- Creek behind house
- Location Of Bathtub
- Concept of facing direction
- Center of the house
- Primary Residence and Secondary House
- of church and feng shui
- Best direction under Eight House
- Is “Set of 6 Coins” proportional to no. of. doors?
- Crystal roof lamp in the bed room
- Disturbing the Grand Duke
- Use of 6-string coins
- Bad Flying Star
- Center of the House - uploaded images to server
- The World Trade Center
- Tai Sui Prayers
- Working at Grand Duke location/spot in an apt.
- Center of the house and missing corners
- “2003Five Yellow”- Furniture Moving- Precautions ?
- Question on numbers
- Analysis of flying stars
- 6-coins
- Screen, Drapery And Leakage Of Qi
- Crystal Pyramid in the South-East
- Feng Shui for web site
- Birth Element of your house
- My Neighbor's Mirror
- Spenting $$$ to do up the house.
- Bed relocation
- Pendulum clock
- Cul-de-Sac and Sha Qi
- 4 Toilets
- Main Door and East Group of persons
- Building A House from the scratch
- Unproportionate 9-sectors grid
- My Neighbor's Mirror
- Handphone Numbers
- Flat # is alphabet
- East and West person & Facing of house
- Wrong Locations For Hanging Crystal
- Colors Of Flowers
- Toilet Beyond The Main Entrance
- Position Of A Lake
- Suitable to emigrate
- Construction and sha qi
- Exec Condo
- Diffculty in selling property
- Year of the Monkey
- Minor Qi Leakages
- Getting Stabbed in the Back, HELP
- any good HEALTH cures/tips?
- sha qi, sha qi, everywhere?
- Water position
- eastern feng shui v.s. western bad luck
- Metal Cuts Wood
- Main door facing between N & NE
- house number
- Our new environment
- Birth Date
- Main door facing Main door
- Placing sofa against the wall
- window and door view
- door and window view
- window and door view continue
- Painting Earth colour?
- Chinese Lunar Calendar 2004
- Dead Tree
- i-ching coins
- Placement of a fountain
- Eight Charaters Feng Shui Chart
- Should I move or not ??
- Is there any all time good Color
- Direction Of A House - Preferred Measure
- Further To Direction Of A House
- 3 sets of windows in straight line
- String of health problems
- scissors placed on top of neighbour's window
- Unlucky Directions of Relationship and Children
- Bedroom & Study Room Feng Shui
- Stone Patio
- Outdoor Barbecue Pit
- Use whose Direction for Calculation
- Hostile Neighbour
- suitable colour for wall of masterbedroom
- Bed room feng shui
- Soil too wet
- Roofing matters
- Tree In the Back Of The House
- Mirrors in Fame Area
- Where to place my fountain?
- San Niang Sha
- What to do if Main Door in different direction
- Master Bedroom @ North East (Irritation)
- Posts In The Front Yard
- Center Point And Direction Of My House
- Upgrading of home
- Symbolism in Feng Shui
- Two piece mirror on the wall
- Buying a house
- What Should I Do With The Post In My Front Yard?
- Duke position
- Can Feng Shui change life destiny
- Move in date
- About red ribbon
- pet feng shui advice
- Where to place a Bagua Mirror
- Direction Of The Fireplace
- Dinnerware Colors (question)
- Arowana fish fed with live bait
- colors for luck
- Five Elements and favourable colours
- Need Help with Address
- Address Help Needed
- gambling luck
- Which house to choose ?
- What are the key priority & main area in FS
- feng shui in dentist waiting room
- Roof And Poison Arrow
- Trees
- Visitor chime
- Eight Trigram & Five Elements
- Getting good energy from Horse in Feng Shui
- Need concentration during study
- Flying Star Chart
- The Direction Of My House
- broken fengshui articles
- Kirin place at the side of main door
- Feng Shui Masters
- Is my Ba Zi weak or strong?
- Studio apartment woes (question)
- Is Master bedroom an important area ?
- Sit North and Face South
- house period 6 or 7 ?
- Buy, buy and buy figurines
- Fence
- Fell A Tree
- Back facing the window in the office
- Confusion about location of stars 5 and 2 in 2003
- Center-Point
- Is There A Cure?
- What's 'Wudi' Coin ?
- Friend facing problems
- Master Bedroom's toilet
- mirror facing patio door
- House suitability for my family and I
- Self Element & Season of Birth
- House moving date
- Too Much Water
- Feng shui of the dream house
- fengshui for a dream house (2)
- Evil Lines (Kong Wang)
- Strong Water person
- NE House And Evil Line
- What Is A Devil
- Kirin and bagua put up by neighbour
- Kua system
- Facing and Sitting Confused
- Toilets in the South
- weak Metal and weak Fire Elements
- Using a bedroom for studies
- Reasoning for sha qi
- garage / two story house - placing the bagua
- Main Entrance at bad direction
- Metal Cure for a room
- Sticky :: Forum Etiquette Guidelines (redcross)
- Element
- toillet in center of house and bad entrance
- Position of Main Door and Bedroom
- best business for strong water
- Best shape for roofs and colours of furniture
- Multiple Posts And Tree Trunk
- Multiple Posts And Tree Trunk
- Which Directions Are Bad For Planting Shrubs
- Major and minor renovations
- East person but bedroom in the west
- Where is my wealth area in my room
- Fengshui For Career and promotions
- Buying a House (question)
- Study table position for my daughter
- centre of the home at bedroom
- Cure to end law suits
- House Number Analysis
- flying Star Feng Shui - Special combinations
- established house, new to Feng Shui, help !
- toscano fu dogs which is male and female
- Room On Top Of Car Garage
- Main Door Facing Disaster & Death Sector
- drainage infront the house and NW door facing
- Kirin, Altar facing main door
- Is this house good for me
- Is buying a laughing Buddha for yourself harmful
- Directions in Feng Shui (Eight House Theory)
- Activating Water element
- 20 years of fengshui period
- Property with front higher than the back
- How to expedite in selling a HDB property
- Staircase
- Strong Earth vs Strong Water
- Bedroom in Disaster /Bed facing Death
- Cure for Toilet in Center of house
- Dragon holding a dragonball
- new office cubicle location: Assessment Requested
- Pearl String Formation
- To move in or not to at all?
- two toilets near the centre of the house
- House near a cemetery
- Numbers in Feng Shui
- Feng Shui Consultation for a 'Just renovated'house
- Bagua & Compass Confusion
- Is there a cure for sick houses?
- Entrance via garage
- concept of wealth element
- Re :decorative chime
- tidy boxes
- Three Killings
- From Period 7 house to a period 8 house
- Staircase from downstairs and main gate...
- Four pillars of destiny
- Four seasons in the Chinese system
- A New Feng Shui Emporium
- Master Lee-HELP!house plan-good or not,confused!!
- Birth Date For People Born Outside China
- toilet at the centre of the house
- Stove at north
- Southwest Location Bathroom Cure? (question)
- Goldfishes
- Roof garden, doors facing stairs, fu dogs...
- Washing machine as water position
- Flying star #2
- Stem of the day
- Clear Space In The Center?
- Property and proposed house
- FW: This block good?
- Main Door in bad sectors (question)
- Period 8
- Unit,Street and Lot Numbers
- Kua number vs. Ba Zi direction analysis
- Problems in Love Life
- Water feature placement
- black sect compass direction
- Papillon Condominium
- Piece of Land on the 'T' roads
- people live in bad fengshui houses